Chapter 12- My last name...

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(Only a short one. A little taster oh whats to come)
 “Sam. What’s your last name?”
Oh boy....
I stared into his green eyes breathing deeply. His scent it was all his scent!
Well there was no point in hiding anymore. I mean how could this get any worst? He claimed me... maybe he will put me out of my misery now. It was all over. The game, the terror. I wasn’t gonna get out of here.
The minute I locked eyes with him he had sealed my fate. So yes. That was it. I lose the game. Game Over.
“Edwards. Samantha Edwards.”
Silence filled the room after those shaky words left my mouth. My arms although still locked in his hands had slowly dropped to his chest as he held them there. I dare not look. God no. But I can picture his face. Anger, confusion everything. I thought of looking but couldn’t. Why? Why should I? Why shouldn’t I? I..I. Then it hit me.
For the first time in a long time I was scared.
Scared to look and see what was there.
Scared of not knowing what is to come.
Scared because I failed. Failed myself, Alice. Failed my father.
A whimper left my lips at the thought.
Under my chin I felt two fingers tilting my head up. I locked my eyes shut.
No,no,no,no,no I am not looking no. He tapped my chin a silent request.
I sighed deeply before opening my eyes slowly.
As my eyes came to focus I was met by a sight that shook my brain, made me want to scream and run for the hills.
Reid.... Smirking? No smiling? What??
My face screwed up in confusion making Reid chuckle aloud.
“Finally!” He sung still laughing at my face.
“Wai-wait. Y-you-you knew?” I almost shouted
“Oh kitten of mine. You think I would take over a whole classroom without knowing every single detail about every single person. Ha. You do not give me enough credit! I knew everything, sitting plan, lesson, people. Including a feisty little head of FIB’s daughter who wants nothing more than to follow daddy into battle.” 
I lost my breath. I mean what?!!
I couldn’t process anything. My brain was running on over drive and felt like it would explode.
“If- I mean. Then why?-“
“Why did I keep you alive?” (Chuckle) “I know about you kitten. Everything. How you would stay up late in your dad’s office and read about us. How you would run from school to the FBI just so you don’t miss an interview. How you have been fascinated by me.”
He got close on the last line. Very close. My brain was on panic mode with him there. No plan. No chest game. Well saying that yes. Yes there is. But just as I was getting the game he threw the board up in the air!
“I have been wanting to meet you for a while now. This job... well I couldn’t believe my luck. I needed to know if you where the one. My one. Hence the game. Of course I hadn’t planned you would be this.... Perfect. And now well you know with  a claim.”
“But when?” I struggle out.
“When James came to me. He’d done 2 years in prison. Just broke out. Says he wouldn’t have been in there is it wasn’t for a young girl. My mind shook at that. A young child? In the FBI?”
His voice went dramatically high on the last line laughing as he did it.
“Why are you here Reid? Why?” I was almost begging. I’d had enough. All day with this crap. I’m done.
“Oh Kitten, don’t sound too down hearted. If you give up now you’ll miss the big finally”
My eyes shot up to him. WHAT!
He smirked at my shocked expression and chuckled lightly. Before dragging me out to the classroom.
The finally.
God help us all
(I just wanna say thank you so much. Your all so patience and supportive of this story its amazing. I however can't say I am being a good author. Due to starting college my free time is nothing. So writing stories has become second to my college work. However I am still writing but having to do little bits at a time instead of a big update. This means you will just have to wait a bit longer for them. I feel terrible. You lot are amazing but please just keep waiting I've got BIG plans for this story. Love you lot)

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