Chapter 4- Making space

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I froze, unable to move. Jacob was starting to talk to the class again while Mason was busy on the computer, James was trying to control Harry but for me it’s like the whole world stopped as i stared into his eyes, him staring straight into mine. I could feel him looking into my soul, reading me, like he already knew whose daughter I was and what secrets I held.

“I..I-I urm Y-yo-you. He wa-was urm like.” I bit my lip stopping the words before beginning again

“I don’t have one” I whimpered leaving his gaze

“Don’t lie to me kitten, I hate when people lie” He whispered in my ear using his head to move mine to the side. He inhaled from my neck making me weak in the knees and slowly slid his nose down to where my neck and shoulder met, breathing heavy for a second before going back to my ear.

“I asked you once yet you still don’t answ-“  

“I don’t have one!” I pulled away trying to make space between me and his lips.

“Feisty, smart and beautiful. I like that” He hummed in my ear before pulling away and walked back down to the front.

“Don’t mess with what you don’t understand. It always ends badly” he cheered still not looking back

“Who says I don’t know who I’m messing with Reid Rider” My eyes widened as I spoke. Crap. Did I just give the whole game way!

Reid turned to me studying me deeply before flashing a smirk and carrying on over to Mason.

“What was that about?” Alice asked her eyes not leaving the ground. She was scared I could tell, to be honest so was I. Well wouldn’t you be!

“I. I don’t.....” I couldn’t finish my sentence as Mason court my eyes he was typing on the computer still. What was he doing?

Reid went behind him placing a hand on his shoulder, what were they doing?

I have a feeling this isn’t a normal witness situation. Ha what am I saying normal this is anything but a normal day!

I pulled at the top of my shirt making my phone fall down my stomach to my lap. I clutched it in my hand and pushed it under my thigh. Alice noticed but didn’t say a word to me; I wasn’t going to push her. I need to send a message, simple but necessary for us to get out. I looked at Alice her worried expression mirrored mine. I took a deep breath and pushed the top button holding it for a second. A couple of minutes in the picture of me and my dad popped up as the background lit up. I smiled weakly as I clicked on his contact then the message symbol.

Contact: Daddy Edwards

LOD, School English room 14. Help please.

You see to make sense of this message you would have to be my dad or work with him. LOD means Life or death. They use it in situations where little words are better than loads. I thought I would be safe. I closed my eyes and pressed the send button waiting for it to do it. It did. I felt the phone vibrate slightly as I pushed the phone back into my bra making sure the screen was facing my chest, that way it wouldn’t light up. I know that dad would answer and he would come. LOD is damn serious; there could be hope for us yet. But it isn’t over, it never will be. Not until were out all of us.

A “bing” sound echoed through the room and broke me from my head. Everyone’s eyes shot up towards the computer.

“Sir, we have a problem” Mason spoke frantically typing

“What do you mean?” Reid questioned trying but failing to sound as relaxed as possible as he griped the top of Masons chair tightening with each breath

“The inside transmission signal has gone from 35 to 146.87 that is a massi-“

“English idiot” Jacob spat standing up from his position on the table.

“Someone has sent a message.”

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