Concert Pt. 2

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Elly's POV

The crowd starts to go wild. All you can hear is everyone chanting the boy's names. I hear the boys start singing. The crowd starts to scream louder and louder as each one of them appear on stage. They start to show off their amazing dancing skills. I record part of Daniel's awesome dance moves and put it on my story. I just laugh at them dancing because it's hilarious. They start to sing one of their songs "Made For" and I have to say it's my favorite song now. The lyrics are actually very touching. I teared up a little bit, but I heard someone say excuse me. I look over at them and their facial expression dropped.
"Omgosh are you Elly!" They yell.
"Yea." I smile.
"Can I get a picture with you?" They ask.
"Of course." I reply.
I walk over towards her and take a few pictures with her.
A few more people around us noticed and ask me if I could take some pictures with them and I go back inside the merch booth. I can't believe these people like me and want to take pictures with me. I continue to watch the concert, sell some merch, and took a few more pictures with the fans. Towards the end of concert, Jeff (I think this is the managers REAL name) came towards me and signaled me to come with him. I walk with him to the back of the stage and he said that we needed to talk.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh nothing is wrong," he responds, "I just had some questions."
"Okay." I answer.
"Were you taking pictures with the fans earlier?" He ask.
"Yea." I tell him.
"Why?" He ask.
"Oh because I am a little bit Instagram star." I chuckle.
"Really," he said, "how many followers?"
"Over 10 mil." I answer.
His mouth drop and it looked like Audrey's it was funny.
"I didn't know that." he comments.
"A lot of people didn't." I tell him.
We hear the crowd to start get wild.
"We will come down in a few minutes guys." Daniel announces.
We see the boys come backstage and Audrey walks by us
"How about you go out there?" He suggested.
"What?' I ask.
Audrey stops in her track and starts to eavesdrop on our conversation.
"You go out and take some pictures with the fans if they want to," he said, "if you are Instagram famous you'll have a decent number of people want to take pictures with you."
Does he seriously think I am making this stuff up?
"Okay, sure." I agree.
"No, she can't," Audrey interrupts, "they came to see the boys and are going to be expecting me too because they know I'm your daughter."
"Yea, but it can be a surprise to the fans." I tell her.
"Plus, it might increase the sales for the other locations to go up." David suggested.
Audrey gives me a dirty look about this situation.
"How about this," David announces, "who ever can get the most pictures with fans can be part of the show and announce it?"
"I d-" "Deal."

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