The Band

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Jack's POV

"Who are you texting?" Corbyn ask.

"Umm, nobody." I said putting my phone away.

"Yes, let me see." he said.

"Fine, I'm texting this girl, her name is Elly because I thought that was Zach's new number." I explains.

"Can I see it?" he ask.

"Umm." I hesitate.

"Please, please, please, please, please." he whines.

"Fine." I said.

I give him my phone and he starts to read our messages.

"Really?!" he laughs.

"What?" I ask, pretending to have no idea what I did.

"Are you pretending to be me?" he ask.

"Maybe." I said.

"Well, I just told her you were the guy in the Metallica shirt cause lying isn't good." he said.

"Seriously?!" I said grabbing my phone from him.

"I mean were you going to hide it from her forever?" he ask.

"Sort of." I mumble.

"Well, to bad," he said, "now let's go and do this meeting."

"Okay." I said.

I hope she doesn't think I"m weird.

Alyssa POV

I get a notification from my phone message from Bestfriend #4. I thought he had a meeting to go to.

Bestfriend #4: Hey this is Corbyn, but this is actually Jack's phone (the guy in the Metallica shirt) he just pretended to be me.

Really?! I can't believe he would do this to me. I decide that I would just talk to him about this tomorrow because I'm kinda tired.

Next Day

I decide to go hang out with Audrey. I go over to her house because she is my neighbor, which I always laugh at because it is like a cliche thing in the movies.

"Hey Auds!" I said.

"Hey Elly." she said.

I come into her house and I start to explain everything to her.

"Wait did you say WHY DON'T WE?!" she screams.

"Yea, why?" I ask very confused.

"They are my FAVORITE band ever." she yells.

"Why didn't I know this?" I question.

"You never asked." she laughs.

"True." I answer.

"They are so hot," she said, "can we facetime them?"

"I guess why not?" I said.

I look at the time and it's currently 12:00 pm, which means it's 10 o' clock over in California. I text him first to make sure he is awake.

Famous Elly: Are you up?

Bestfriend #4: Yea, why?

Famous Elly: because my friend wants to facetime.

Bestfriend #4: Sure.

Famous Elly: K

I press the facetime button and it starts to ring. Audrey is starting to jump, but I''m actually nervous. This could be either Corbyn or Jack, and I don't know. After two rings, someone answers. It is neither of the boys.

"DANIEL SEAVEY!" Audrey yells.

"Hi," he said waving, "what's your name?"

"Me, um, I don't know actually, it's um Audrey." she stutters.

I laugh at her, then another boy comes on to the screen.

"Who is facetiming Jack?" the boy said.

"Oh hi." he said.

"Omgosh you Zach Herron! I love you so much!" Audrey says and starts crying.

"How did you get Jack's number?" Zach questions curiously thinking someone leaked his number.

"Don't worry, Jack knows me you can ask him." I tell them.

"Hey, Jack do you know a Famous Elly?" Zach yells.

"Yea, what the heck?! Give me my phone back." Jack yells.

Daniel runs with his phone laughing and get tackled by Jack and he grabs his phone and walks away.

"Sorry about that they take my phone all the time," Jack said, "Hey Elly and?"

"Audrey," I answer, "she is my best friend and is a big fan of you, which I didn't find out until now."

"Ha, that's funny." he replied.

We talk to him for a few more minutes, until Corbyn comes in and joins the call.

"Aww so this is the girl you pretended to be me to." he said.

Jack nudges him and I laugh.

"Yup, that's me." I answer.

"Well, Jack is an idiot for doing that." he said.

"Yup, he definitely is." I agree.

He glares at me while I just laugh at him. We talk to them for a while until they had to go and rehearse for something. We say goodbyes and Audrey is still in shook and I just laugh about it.

Okay, so I'm not going to update here for a while because I really want to finish my other book so I can enter it into the Wattys. I hope you understand, and the next chapter is going to take a while for me to write also so, yea. Thank you guys!


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