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"Go away."

"Just wake up you prick."

"Ehhh, I'm good. Bed's too comfy."

I heard her groan in frustration then shake my shoulder's. I opened my eyes and glared at her.

"Go away."

"Just listen to me for a second." Zoe huffs, placing her hands on her hips.

"Fine. What do you want?" I sat up and realized that the small kitten was no where to be seen. Oh no.

"It snowed. Soooo that means..." she smiled at me.

"Just tell me the god damn thing already. I got stuff to do."

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Sweet Jesus Connor. It's a fucking snow day. No school. Plus today's Friday so that means, 3 day weekend."

"Great. Now get out." I roll my eyes, getting out of my bed.

She sticks her tongue out at me and walks out of my room, slamming the door behind her. As I heard her foot steps fade I quickly looked around the room for the fur ball.

I saw the newspaper was shredded slightly and I smiled, shaking my head a little. It also had a small wet spot. Good.

I heard a slight rustling under my bed. I slowly walked over and looked under my bed. There he was, gnawing on one of my old band shirts.

I chuckled and grabbed him and the shirt. It was an old shirt anyway with holes. It used to be gray but a couple hundred times in the wash turned it to a white-ish light gray color.

The black fur ball was biting small holes into the shirt. I smiled as I cradled him on his back as his tiny paws were grabbing at the shirt and he had some of it in his mouth.

"You're so cute." I mumbled, scratching behind his ear.

All he did was mew and keep biting at the shirt. I chuckled and walked over to my bedside table. Grabbing my phone with my right hand I check any notifications. Only a text from Jared.

Kleinman: Yo meet me at Evan's room at 11, that's when visiting hours start

I checked the time, 9:01.

I have a couple hours. Oh, I can go out and buy some stuff for the cat. Cause hell yeah I'm keeping him.

Quickly setting him down on my bed where he tumbled around with the shirt, I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black pull over sweater. I slipped them on and pulled my hair into a pony tail then put on my converse. I picked up the kitten and put him under my sweater on my bare chest. He was so fluffy and warm, I smiled and grabbed the shirt as well.

I walked out my room, holding him up and trying not to make it seem I was holding something under my shirt. I quickly walked down the stairs, trying to hold back a small gasp when the cat's small claws had touched my chest.

"Connor where are you going?" I turn and see my mom standing there.


"Not in that you aren't. You'll freeze." She says, one finger pointed at me and the other hand on her hip.

"Then I'll go put some ear muffs on." I rolled my eyes and walked to a shelf where most of our warm stuff is kept.

I grabbed my black ear muffs and black and gray striped fingerless gloves, quickly putting them on.

I walked back over to my mom, hands crossed over my chest, holding onto the kitten, "Better?"

She shook her head slightly, "Fine."

I grinned, glad I made her annoyed. I turned around and grabbed my keys that were on the kitchen counter. I opened the door and walked out towards my car. A black truck surrounded by the bright white snow. Great.

I opened the door and turned the car on. Sighing as I let the small cat out, he only stayed in my lap. I set the shirt on the center console and the cat looked at it then looked back at me.

"Well go on then. Attack the poor Foo Fighters shirt." I say, looking at him.

He titled his head at me and I smiled then drove out of the driveway. The cat climbed up my shirt, clawing at my sweater. He was on my left shoulder, almost to the top of it.

I drove towards the pet store, trying not to laugh at the cat's weird action of sitting on my shoulder. He sat there, looking out the window, ears pricked.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked close to the store. Grabbing my wallet and keys I open the door. The small cat was still on my shoulder as if he was a parrot.

God damn.

I shut the door and locked it, then walked into the store.


When I woke up I groaned at my awkward position on my bed. When I rolled out of bed my whole body was sore for falling asleep in the position. Well shit.

I walk down the stairs but instantly stop and turn around and walk back into my room. I was still in just my boxers. I grabbed some pajama pants and put them on and an old Star Wars shirt.

Quickly grabbing my glasses I slip them on and walk back down the stairs. My mom was already down there. My dad was probably at work by now. Yawning I walk over to the coffee pot and grab a kay cup and put it inside the coffee machine. I hit brew, then stood there for a second before realizing I didn't have a cup. Quickly scrambling to the cups I grabbed one and put it under the coffee as it started to pour.

I let out a sigh of relief then I heard a small fit of laughter.

"You're really out of it today aren't you sweetie?"

I look over at my mom who was smiling at me like there was no tomorrow.

"Yeah mom... I'm totally out of it." I yawned then looked at the coffee. It was done.

I walked to the fridge and got some creamer then poured it into the coffee. Putting the creamer away I grab the cup and take a sip. Hot but not too hot. I smile and started to drink it. When I looked at the time I almost had a heart attack.


"WHAT THE HELL MOM?! SCHOOL ALREADY STARTED!" I shout, setting the coffee down and turning to her.

She only giggled more, "Look outside."


"Look. Outside."

"Fine. Make me more late." I huff, walking to the kitchen window and looking out it.

There was snow everywhere. We must've had a snow day today. I grin, good that means visiting Evan.

I quickly run up the stairs and grab my phone, sending a quick message to Connor to meet me at the hospital when visiting hours start. Shoving my phone into my pants pocket I walk back down the stairs and back to my mom.

I grin at her then grab my coffee and lean back against the counter, drinking some.


Sorry! Updating has been super slow since school started but I'll try my best to update and write as much as I can! Love all of you!


Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now