A Plan Gone Wrong

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This is a sequel, if you haven't read part one, "Confessions of a Wrestler: A Roman Reigns Love Story" you can get it in my library.


******Flashback to 2 months ago******

I looked up and saw Randy standing in the doorway crying. I immediately start crying at the sight of him. "Randy you aren't supposed to be here."

"You said you weren't going to leave." He says leaning against the wall.

I sigh, "Randy we can't keep doing this. It's not healthy for either one of us."

"Gia you said you were giving me time to get myself together. You can't leave me."

"Randy, why should I stay in this relationship when I'm not happy. You're not going to change. You know this is over, this has been over for a while."

Crying, "No, you can't do this to me."

He walks over to me and falls to his knees. I gasped when he wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my stomach. I was so shocked, this is the first time I've ever seen Randy cry. I felt bad but I couldn't show weakness because if I did, I would go back on my word...... but this man is broken. Randy Orton is broken. What kind of person am I to do this to him? He clearly needs me, I can't do this.

Just then Roman walked into the bedroom and saw us hugging. He didn't do anything but stand there watching us. He looked uncomfortable, this man used to be a really good friend of his. I think it hurt him to see Randy like this as well. He was crying and begging me to stay. You would have to be inhuman not to feel for him right now.

Roman and I locked eyes and I instantly remembered how happy I was before Randy. All the second thoughts left my mind. I loved Randy so much but Randy has brought me so much pain emotionally and physically. I can't go back to him and be unhappy and feel unappreciated again. Roman never made me feel like that. Even when we had issues, he never made me feel unappreciated.

Hugging him back, "This is for the best."

Crying, "If you leave this time, I feel that you'll be gone for good...I've done everything you've asked me to do. I've stopped drinking. What else can I do to make you change your mind? I'm willing to do whatever I can. Just don't end this."

Crying as well, "Randy stop holding on to this, just let me go." I step back and he lets go.

Falling on all fours, "Gia I can't live without."

I kneel down in front of him, "Yes you can. You're too dependent on me Randy. I don't know why and I don't know what happened to you to make you like this or what I did but Randy we have to part ways."

He yells, "NO!" He grabs me again hugging me. Roman starts to walk over to get him off of me but I stop him and just signal for him to get the rest of my clothes. Once he leaves, I pull away from the hug and I look at Randy. He was crying his eyes out. I felt horrible, I hated seeing him like this. All I wanted to do was hug him and tell him I wasn't going anywhere but I couldn't.

I lift his head up, "I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this. Cry if you need to but I can't stay to watch you. I don't want to go back on my word."

I looks me in my eyes, "Stay."

I sigh, "I can't, we'll just fall back into the same cycle."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Get yourself together. I care about you more than you'll ever know but this is out of my control, I know what I need to do and that's leave."

"I'm addicted to you."

"I know you've said that before but what if I'm the reason you're this way? You need to see how it is without me. Before you met me you weren't like this."

Roman comes back in and I stand up.

"I got everything in the car." Roman says.

"Okay, give me another minute."

"I'll be in the car." I wait for him to leave then I look at Randy.

"Randy, I love you." I get on my knees in front of him.

"I love you too Gia...Gia I've lost so much-"

I grab his face and kiss him and he kisses me back. The kiss lasted for a long minute until I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. He held me in his arms for another minute.

"If you have something to say, you should say it right now."

He looks at me, "I know I'm not the easiest person to love but you did. You didn't care what anyone said about me, you still loved me anyway. You were my balance, you were really the only person who could control me. I knew I was in love with you that night I met you at my party. You put up with my shit. I'll never get over you, I love you so much. I wish I could make you love me more so you won't leave. Gia I've never felt hurt like this. I feel so empty right now. You're the first person I've opened up to like this. How can I just forget that?"

"I'm not asking you to forget that. Remember it and Keep working on yourself, this'll get better. Okay?"

He nods his head, "Okay."

"Roman is waiting for me....I have to go." He drops his arms and I stand up. "Goodbye Randy." I leave him in the middle of my empty closet, crying on the floor.

***End of flashback***

Randy's pov

After Gia left that day, I sat there in her closet for a couple of hours. Replaying the event that just happened in my head. I couldn't believe she really left me. She was really gone. What was I going to do? I wasn't working now thanks to Roman. I didn't have her or anything else to keep me busy. I was so lost.

Once I was able to get myself together, I stayed in the gym at my house. I worked out basically all day, everyday. When I wasn't working out in was in bed thinking about her, I dreamed about her, I couldn't get her out of my head. I had so much anger in me, more than usual. I couldn't get rid of it. I knew something was wrong with me though. This was different, I was having violent thoughts and I couldn't shake them. I wanted to kill Roman for taking everything from me. I just kept thinking; how could she leave me? How could she just say fuck me? She said she loved me and would never leave me. I let down my guard, I gave her my trust, I let her into my heart, I let her in my head, I gave her everything and she fucked me over. I honestly thought we would be together forever.

I watched SummerSlam, I watched Joe kiss her after his match. That infuriated me, it pissed me off so bad I ripped my TV off the wall and threw it. They looked so happy and I was over here depressed and angry. I wasn't going to let them just live their lives together like they didn't just shatter mine. Roman planned this, I know he did. He couldn't accept the fact that I basically took her from him. I tried calling her but she changed her number. I went by the condo but someone else lives there, he moved. She completely disappeared on me.

Luckily, I talked John into asking Nikki about Gia. I guess Nikki felt bad for me. She didn't want to give me the information at first but with a little help from my best friend, John, she gave in. I got the info and drove by her house a few times. Yeah I said it, I drove by their house a few times.

One day, I was sitting outside her house and I saw her and Roman leaving. They were so fucking happy, they had their daughters with them and they were smiling and shit. I was just so disgusted. Then I noticed he had his suitcase with him, meaning he was probably leaving for TV. I figured if I wanted to at least talk to her now was my opportunity since he was leaving. I waited around for a couple days and I waited until Monday, when I knew he was definitely at not coming home until the next day since he was in another state. Then what happened next was a plan that went horribly wrong.

What did you guys think about this chapter??
What are your thoughts on Randy? I think he's completely lost it..

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