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Chresanto August...

"I don't understand why we have to leave!" I yelled down the stairs to my mom. I was currently packing some of my things into boxes, and my mom was packing the living room.

"Chresanto August! We are moving in with him and that's final!" She yelled back. "We are not talking about it again!"

I walked downstairs to talk to her face-to-face. "But I don't like Trevor mom! He has a jack ass for a son, and a annoying daughter!"

"You watch your mouth when your talking to me!" My mom snapped.

"Mom, what about all my friends?" I whined. "What about Desiree?"

"I never liked Desiree anyways. She was so ghetto, and disrespectful," she replied. I sighed. "Listen Chres, I just wanna leave the hood. Your father got shot here, and I don't want the same thing to happen to you,"

"Okay mom," I sighed. "Let me finish packing," I hugged her and walked back upstairs to proceed packing.


I sat across from my girlfriend Desiree at the McDonalds down the street from my house.

"So.. What did you wanna talk about Roc. I don't have time for all this extra shit right now," Desiree said smacking her gum.

"Um I'm moving..." I trailed off.

"M-moving?" She asked.

I nodded. "To California,"

"So what are we gunna do Roc? Break up or Long Distance Relationship?"

"I mean, I guess we could try a long distance relationship," I suggested.

"That's coo with me. When are you leaving?" She asked.

"Sunday night," I replied. "So let's hang out while we can,"

"Okay," she smiled. We leaned in and shared a kiss.

"I'm really gunna miss you," I sighed.

"Me too," Desiree replied.

We hugged one last time and then border onto the plane.

I looked out the window. "Goodbye Chicago," I mumbled to myself.


"Watch wear your going 4 eyes!" Alexis laughed in my face.

"C'mon guys just leave her alone," one of her friends Ashanti said, sticking up for me.

"Shut up Shanti, don't stick up for four eyes!" Alexis yelled. Everybody started to form a circle around us.
Ashanti is a nice person. She just hangs out with the wrong people.
"Whatcha gunna do four eyes,"

"Four eyes, four eyes, four eyes," everybody chanted. I got up and ran to the bathroom with my friends right on my trail.

"Ooooh, I swear to god I will beat her ass!" Jaz yelled pacing around.

"Calm down Jaz, I'm fine,"

"Look at you Yn," she replied. "You are not okay, we have to put a stop to this,"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I replied. "Let's talk about something else,"

"How about this," My other friend Tiay started. "My Dads fiancée and son is moving in this weekend,"

"Oh really?" I asked. "I'm sure it won't be that bad,"

"I hope not. Yall should come over," she suggested.

"Okay" Jaz and I agreed.

Perfect Imperfections*Editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن