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Lewis sent Hayley his third message, apologising yet again and asking if they could talk, he so badly needed to just tell her everything. Well, don’t just sit here, get up! Go tell her! His conscience gave him a kick in the rear.

“Mom, I’ll be back soon, don’t forget your meds.” He yelled as he pulled on a jacket and ran out the door. Her curtains were open and the balcony door was slightly ajar. There was his opportunity, Lewis climbed up the old tree and jumped onto the balcony. Hayley was sitting with her back facing the doors. Lewis crept inside trying not to startle her;unfortunately the floorboard under his foot creaked loudly. Shit. He thought. Hayley’s head whipped around and she went from her beautiful tanned skin tone to lily-white in just seconds. She shrieked.

“Shhh, Hayley, it’s only me.” He reached forward to take her in his arms and hold onto her tightly. She backed away from him, he tried to take her hands in his own but she started yelling at him.

“Lewis, get away from me!” He was taken aback.

“Get out of my house, how did you get in here!”

“Hayley...” he tried.

“Don’t! Just don’t, don’t touch me.” She sobbed and pushed at his chest forcefully, trying desperately to get him as far away as she could.

“Hayley, please, just let me explain...” Lewis tried again.

Mr Bennett opened the door and yelled, “What is going on in here...Lewis? Wha- what are you doing in here? I think it would be best if you left.”

“Mr Bennett, please can I just talk to Hayley, I need to explain to her exactly what happened.” He pleaded urgently. All he needed was for her to believe him. 

“You have five minutes and then I want you out of here.”

“Thank you Sir.” Mr Bennett closed Hayley’s door. Lewis grabbed Hayley’s wrists in his hands and pulled her close to him

“Hayley, please just let me explain.” Hayley bunched her hands into fists and yanked back her arms.

“I don’t want to know Lewis, please leave me alone.” She is so stubborn!

“Just listen to me, I didn’t kiss Karla! She kissed me, it was all her. Who told you that anyways?I didn’t even mention it to Nate.” He admitted, remembering how Karla head-locked him.

“Don’t talk shit Lewis.” She spat.

“Hayley, you have to believe me. She came over, agrh; God alone knows why and made a move on me.” Why won’t she believe me? And how the hell did she find out? He thought.

“Why would she make the first move, huh?”

“To sabotage our relationship, we both know she is extremely jealous and would do anything to break us up.” Hayley stopped for a minute.

“Lewis, I want to believe you, but I don’t know.”

“Please, Hayz, I love you. You know I would never hurt you...”

“Why’d you let her kiss you?” Let her kiss me? Let her?

“I, I was so weak. She got me into a headlock, I could hardly move! I made her leave as soon as she kissed me. I promise.”

“Weak, that’s one way to put it you ignorant little...You know what, it’s actually okay. Want to know why? I kissed Nate.” 

His heart dropped to his feet. They stared at each other for at least twenty seconds before they said another word to each other. Tears were welling up in her eyes. “You did what?” Lewis spat. He felt his body shaking in fury.

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