Chapter Fourteen-The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

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"Real men laugh at opposition; real men smile when enemies appear."

(Marcus Garvey)

Lebanon   The Hercules carrying general Yoon and additional support from his brigade landed safely at the airbase

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   The Hercules carrying general Yoon and additional support from his brigade landed safely at the airbase. The flight was a long and tiring one but the General had no time for it now. It was an hour towards midnight. Through the small window, he could still see the airport lights that filled the air. The plane slowed down and parked near the hangar, where a small contingent of men waited in perfect order. As soon as the plane was parked and the engines went off, the ramp lowered. General Yoon and his support group walked off it, greeted by salutes from the fellow soldiers who were there as part of the UN mission in Lebanon.

   "Glad you made it here safely." The Commander of the Korean peacekeeper force in Lebanon greeted General Yoon with a firm handshake. "Command has briefed me everything. You will have access to all of our personnel and operations, Jungjangnim. I've assigned Bravo and Delta to your command." The Commander spoke as he showed General Yoon the two groups who had gathered to greet him tonight.

   Captain Park Dae Hyun of Delta Team stood forward, saluting the General. Like the General, he had no intention of wasting time and he wanted to get things moving quickly now. "Jungjangnim, please lead us. We must save our comrade before it's too late."

   General Yoon loved the fact that they had the same thoughts. He patted the Captain's shoulder. "We will get him back, Park Daewi." He vowed with a determined expression.

   The men got into their vehicles and the convoy left for the forwards base outside the city of Tyre. With the population mostly in bed in the comfort of their homes, the trip there was a smooth ride and without complications. General Yoon had never been to Lebanon. This was his first. If this was a holiday trip, he would have taken the time to come and treasure the secrets this country had to offer. Coming by daylight was also the best thing. For now, darkness shadowed him wherever he went. Streetlights lit the expressway they were in and there were only a few vehicles on the road. Other than roadblocks and occasional disturbances General Yoon saw along the way, like a car chase or a burglary attempt gone wrong, it didn't harm the peace of the night.

   The convoy reached the forward operating base half an hour after General Yoon arrived, directly on schedule. As soon as the General got off the vehicle, he was led straight to the briefing room. The officers and associated men were all gathered in it with maps and satellite feeds. General Yoon refused any pleasantries and ushered the men to get to work instead as he stood in front of the table and scanned the map laid for him. Dae Hyun stood next to the General to his left while the commander stood to his right. While the rest worked, General Yoon stood silently and watched the map. He hadn't had a decent rest and had drunk little on the way and he was tired physically. However, for the sake of one man and an entire unit in South Sudan, he had to push himself. He turned to the live feed behind him.

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