What is this?

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Emily's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling like crap. My head was pounding, I couldn't breath cause I was so stuffed up and my throat was killing me. It feels like I've got hit by a train.

I walked down stairs feeling like a zombie and sat down at the kitchen table. A couple minutes later my mom came down. "Emily what's wrong?" she asked. "Mom, can I stay home today? I feel horrible"

I'm going to be really surprised if she says no because I've never been absent, so she probably knows that I'm actually sick. It's kind of funny how last night I can be totally fine and wake up feeling like I'm about to die.

"Yes of course Em. I'm not going to push you to go to school. Go take some Tylenol and go back up stairs and rest." she answered.

"Thanks" I smiled and went back up stairs.

I jumped in my bed and bundled in my sheets. I took out my phone and texted Asa before he got ready to go to school.

Hey Ace! I'm sick today :p I won't be coming to school.

I sent it and sat my phone down beside me and turned over to my side and closed my eyes. About 5 minutes later I felt a vibration. I turned back over and looked at my phone. It read "Asa <3"

I'm skipping school and coming over to stay with you until you get better<3

GAHH he is so amazing! He is the best friend ever. But I don't want him skipping school because of me.

Awh that's sweet but really you don't have to do that.

I want to. I'll see you around 11. <3

See you :)

I smiled and clicked my phone off and fell back asleep.

~ A few hours later ~

All the sudden I woke up and saw Asa open the door, smile and walked over and sat on my bed. I sat up, still had my sheets on me and looked at Asa in a "I feel like crap way." He gently rubbed my back and I put my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and whispered "Feel better." I smiled. "Thank you, how did you get in my house?" I asked feeling confused because I would've thought that my mom would've told him to go to school, guess not. "Your mom let me in, she's super nice!"

he said. He is such a sweet heart. "Thanks, what about your parents, aren't they mad?" I asked him. "No.. I'm only going to be at this school for a couple more months-." "WHAT? What do you mean?" I asked him. Why would he only be here for a couple more months? "Oh.. it's just that my family travels a lot. I think we are going to America." he said. Why would he be going to the US? London is amazing! "Why..?" I asked him feeling uncertain. "It's nothing.. now can I get you anything?" He asked in a cute way. I have never had a boy skip school for me when I'm sick. That's why I love Asa. I mean like. I like him. Like.

Asa's POV:

Ugh Asa! Why would you bring up the whole thing about America?? I should just tell her that I'm an actor.. How does she not notice that something is up? I feel so bad not telling her because she is my best friend and I love her. I mean like. I like her.

Emily's POV:

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him. "Sure.. I will get you a pillow and you bring your blanket and we can go downstairs." He said. He is so polite. I wonder if he even likes me. I bet he does, but how and why..? But why would he come over to my house when I'm sick. If he was a douche he wouldn't do that. He grabbed a pillow and walked out my door and down the stairs. I was taking my time. I got up threw on a sweatshirt, looked in my mirror that I have on my dresser and walked downstairs.

Asa was sitting on the couch looking cute as can be. When I was walking down the stairs he looked up at me and smiled. I just put my blanket over my face and walked down the stairs, trying not to fall since I couldn't see. Successfully I didn't fall. I sat on the couch with Asa. He looked over at me and smiled his cute smile. I just giggled. He looked back to the tv and he handed me the remote. I was looking through all the channels and "The Amazing Spider-Man" was on so we just decided to watch that. About a few minutes into the movie I wasn't feeling so good so I put my head on Asa's shoulder for comfort. He wrapped his arms around me. For some reason, he always makes me feel safe. I don't know what it is about him.. it's just.. I feel protected when I'm with him.

All the sudden I started coughing really loud and frog like. He quickly grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "Em!! Are you okay??"

I kept coughing feeling like my lungs were about to pop out of my mouth. He ran over to the sink and got me a glass

of water and came back and made me drink it. He rubbed my back while saying "It's ok." I looked at him and said "haha asa, I'm ok. it's just a cough." He rolled his eyes in a funny manner and said "I care about you." I didn't really know what to say to that so I just smiled and said "thanks."

"Hey do you want some cough medicine so you don't do that again and scare the shit of of me?" he asked. "Haha sure why not."

He got up and walked over to a cabinet. "This one?" he pointed and asked which one the medicine was in. "To your right" I said. He opened it up, got the pink bubble gum flavored cough syrup (my favorite). He opened all of the drawers to find the spoons and finally he found them in the very last drawer. I liked to see him hunt them down. It was funny. He came over with it and sat on the couch beside me. Close beside me. Really Close. He opened up the cap and poured the syrup onto the spoon carefully so it wouldn't spill and then quickly said "Open!!" I opened my mouth so he could quickly put it in. He just laughed and asked "Feel better now?" I smiled and said "Totally"

It seemed like the day went by so fast. It was time for Asa to leave. Why do I have this upset feeling in my stomach? Like I'm sad that he is leaving..? or the fact that I've been puking my brains out the whole day while Asa was there the whole time watching me. Great, that's attractive. We got off the couch and went to the door. I opened it slowly so I could spend as much time with Asa as I could. He grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eyes. The ocean blue color was sparkling from the patio light. "Emily" he said, "Please feel better" and came in close and kissed me on the cheek. I felt butterflies in my stomach mixed with vomit. I held it in and said "Thank you" and smiled.

I closed the door and quickly ran into the bathroom and got sick. Why is this happening? I haven't been this sick since the 4th grade when I got a role in the school play. I never knew I had stage fright until then.

When I was done getting sick I just sat on the bathroom floor thinking. I laid against the wall while holding my head cause I had the biggest headache. I just looked up to the ceiling and signed.

What is this?

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