Feels like a long time

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Asa's POV:

After I walked down the hallways and got all the crap I needed out of my locker it was time to go to class. I got out my timetable and looked to see where my first class was. It was Maths. I hate Maths! I've always dreaded every second in that class. Anyways, I walk to the classroom and stopped when I got in there. Everybody was staring at me. I froze for a second because I was really hoping nobody would recognize me as "The Asa Butterfield". No body said anything so I signed in relief.

I walk over to an empty seat near the teachers desk and sat down. I got all my binders and books out and set them on my desk and left my backpack on. I don't trust people here yet. You never know what they could do.

After about a minute a girl walks in the class. Her light brown curly hair flowing and her beautiful blue sweater. She was gorgeous. The only seat open was near me. YES! she came over by me and sat down. Then I realized, I know her. She's the girl on my bus. She's beautiful. Oh my god Asa! Am I already falling for her after not even a day yet? No I can't be. I'm not.

Emily's POV:

When I got settled in my seat I looked over at the guy. He was smiling. I smiled and then looked down at my desk. 'How could i already have the slightest feelings for a guy when I don't even know his name?' i thought.

I looked up and the teacher was doing a problem on the board. "2z−4z+−5" I must have been day dreaming cause I heard my name about 3 times and didn't answer. Finally after the fourth time, I answered. "Emily, do you know the answer?" The teacher asked. "Umm.. yeah..uh" I said. I didn't really know the answer, to be quite honest, I wasn't even paying attention. I was too busy thinking about the boy's baby blue eyes and his deep British accent. Yeah I know I live in London, so I hear British accents everyday, but not like this one. I recognized this one.

"Emily, do you know the value for z?" the teacher asked again. Dammit! I just give up. "Um.. no I don't I'm sorry." I said. Wow, the first day and I'm already turning out to be the bottom on my teacher'a list.

My teacher just turned around facing the board and then back to the class again. "Does anyone know the answer?" She asked. I looked up and looked around the classroom, no one was paying attention. All the sudden I see Asa's hand go up. He looked up at the teacher and then she smiled at him. "Asa, Wanna give it a try?" She asked Asa. "Yeah, the answer is −2z−5. You can't find the value for z." he said.


( i don't know, I just made that problem up )


"Very good Asa" Said the teacher. Ah, Asa is smart. That's awesome. He could tutor me sometime. Ah that's it! Maybe he can tutor me and then we will become close! Wait, what the heck am I talking about?! I don't like him Ive already established that!

After about 25 more minutes in that horrible class. It was time to go to the next class. I walked out of Maths and down the hall. I went to my locker to get all my books. I closed my locker and turned around. I bumped into someone. It was him. I was so close to him. His baby blue eyes staring into my green ones. I didn't even know what to say so I just blurred out something. "Oh!! I'm so sorry" I said. He smiled. His smile was so cute. Ugh what am I thinking!!? "It's totally fine" The tall boy said. Ugh I wish I just knew his name!!

"Anyways, I'm Asa! nice to meet you!" He said. His name is Asa. That's a hot name I thought. Ugh Emily get it together. "I'm Emily, nice to meet you too!" I said. "Here let me help you with those books" He said reaching out for my books with one hand while his other is holding his own. What a gentleman. "Thanks" I said. "What's next on your timetable?" He asked me. "ugh, History" I said. I also hate history as well as Maths. "Really? me too" he said. I smiled and we walked down the hall and into history class. The day seemed to go by pretty quick. As soon as we knew it, we were walking to the buses together.

Even though I just met him, it feels like I've known him for a long time.

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