⚡Chapter 9⚡

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"Oh my gosh! My best friend has a date with her crush!" Felicity yield over the phone as I move it away from my ear. I was busy walking towards Jitters ready for me and Barry's coffee date. If you can call that a date.

"Chill Felicity it isn't a date we are only going to drink coffee."

"Oh come on Dawn, it is so a date. I mean anything you do with the guy you like is a date." She said as I shook my head before I saw jitters coming closer.

"Listen I got to go. Talk to you later."

"I want to know all the details of your..."

"Bye Felicity!" I said cutting her if as I ended the call. I put my phone in the front if my jeans before stopping in front of the glass doors taking a good look of myself. I chose to wear one of my favorite red shirts with my black leather jacket, I also had some black skinny jeans in with my black boots and to finish off the look I curled my hair and applied sine make up on.

I took a deep breath before pushing open the doors and walk to an empty table which happens to be in the corner where the couches where. Just as I sit down Iris came towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, Dawn." She said as I stood up to gave her a hug.

"Hey, Iris," I said before returning back to my seat as she took a seat next to me. "You off on lunch?"

"Yeah, so I use it to see how many followers, likes and shares my post got." She said typing on her laptop as I frowned.

"What post?"

"You haven't seen it yet?" She asked as I shook my head. She shook her head at me playfully and push her laptop towards me as I put my glasses on and look at her post she put up on her account.

My fellow readers today I want to share the big news of the new hero we have in our city.

The Streak.

Everyone has claimed they seen a yellow light rushing threw the city saving people's lives and stopping bad guys. And me being the amazing journalist I am I had met the streak. Not that he likes the name much but he seems to be helping the city in any way possible.

He seems to be a man with a red suit on and is as fast as lighting. He didn't give me his real name of course since he has a secret identity to protect but he did give me his superhero name.

The flash.

So it's safe to say that the flash is someone who is here to protect our city from the evil.

"So what do you think?" Iris asked as I push her laptop back to her and took off my glasses.

"Well, you are sure to be a famous journalist soon," I said as she smiled and bumped my shoulder playfully.

"Come on be serious now. You sound just like Barry. Actually, you took it better than him. He was all mad about how I shouldn't take the picture of the flash since maybe someone will see who he is under the mask and come after the people he loves but the photo isn't even that good."

"Let's see it," I said as she clicks on her laptop a few times before showing me the picture. It wasn't that good of a picture since his face was all blurry but you could only see the eyes.

Brown. Wait those eyes seem very familiar.

"I can't see his identity, except do those eyes seem familiar to you too?" I asked as she nods and pulls the laptop back to her.

"I know right."

"Iris, your break is over. You should get back to work before George is on your case again." A girl dress in the sane waiter outfit as Iris with brown hair said as she walks past us.

"Well, that's my cue." She said standing up as I follow her lead. "Where are you going?

"I'm gonna make a quick stop at the office before heading home," I said and have iris a hug before walking out of Jitters and headed down the street to the station.

It didn't take long before I was d to the stairs to go to the lab. Before I could take the next step up the stairs a voice stops me.

"Hey Dawn, wait up." I turn around with my one hand still on the railing as I saw Eddy rushing towards me.

"Hey, Eddy," I said as he gave me a smile in return. Eddy has been Joe new partner and also Iris new boyfriend, not that Joe knows that his partner is dating his daughter. I promised Iris and Eddy I wouldn't say a word to either Barry or Joe.

"Hey listen I should probably give you a heads up on Barry." He said as I frown and look down at him as he stood next to the railing looking up at me.

"What's wrong with Barry? Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's okay, but he kind of found put about me and Iris and also you know for so long without even telling him. So he is in a bad mood. He promised he wouldn't tell Joe but he wishes we had told him sooner." He said as I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and nod.

"Thanks, Eddy. I will talk to him."

"Good luck." He said nodding at me before returning to the office as I head upstairs. The door was slightly open as I push it widely and walk-in closing it behind me. I saw Barry near the window with a white shirt on and black pants and he had punching glove's on as he punches the bag.

"Hey," I said walking until I was right next to my desk and fold my arms over my chest waiting for him to say something but he clenches his jaw and punches the bag harder, completely ignoring me. "Look I know how much you don't want to talk to me know."

"You don't know what I'm thinking now." He snaps at me as he looks at me with anger written all over his face.

"Barry I know you are angry with me because I didn't tell you about Eddy and Iris but I promise them I wouldn't tell anyone. And you know me, I never break a promise to a good friend."

"What about our promise huh?" He asked I bit my bottom lip as he walks a bit closer towards me. "What about our promise? The promise we made the day I woke up, that no matter what happens we will tell each other everything. That we would be open with each other so we can become closer! Huh, Dawn what about our friendship."

"Barry, you know I cherish our friendship too, but.."

"But nothing Dawn. You still could have told me and I wouldn't have said a single word. But no you trust your instance and betray me. You betray our friendship." He said looking me dead in the eyes as I nod my head. "Just go."

"Fine," I said and then on my heel as I march out of the lab and out of the station. If Barry taught I betray our friendship then he doesn't know me that well.

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