⚡Chapter 5⚡

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I just got home from work as I place my keys in the table near the door where the phone and a vase full of white tulips stood as I kick my heels off in front of the couch and fell into the couch, pulling my legs to my chest. I grab the T.v. remote and turn the t.v. on as the news came up.

"I'm Linda Park, and we're living outside S. T. A. R. Labs, despite the inclement weather which is only going to get worse. The torrential downpour has in no way affected the particle accelerator, which is up and running smoothly according to S. T. A. R. Labs CEO Harrison Wells." A woman with blond hair and dressed as an assistant at an office came up right outside S.T.A.R. Labs as I signed and place my head on my knees. "Wait, we are now being told to evacuate the facility. The storm may have caused a malfunction to the primary cooling system. Officials are now trying to shut down the particle accelerator. But so far have been unable to regain -" her panicked voice came over the t.v. as I sat up when the electricity went off. I look around before standing up and looking out the window as I saw most of the lights were out from the buildings around me. I also notice a blue light coming from the far end of the city and shot up in the sky as a dark cloud start to form. I saw a lightning flash near the police department as a shock wave formed near the labs and travel over the buildings as it heads towards me. I was to slow to react as it slams against my building and the lamp to my right made a huge spark as it touches my arm as I felt against the wall behind me near the door as everything went black.


"Dawn! Dawn! Wake up!" A worried voice said next to me as I slowly open my eyes and saw Iris kneeling in front of me as her one hand was in my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up and move my hand to my head. Iris helped me up as she brought me into a right hug.

"I don't know. I came here to get you so we can go to the hospital and that's when I found you on the ground. Are you okay?" She asked and pull away as I look at her confused.

"I'm fine. Why are we going to the hospital?" I asked as she looks at me worried not knowing if she should tell me why.

"You don't know?" She asked as I shook my head. "Its Barry. He worked late tonight when they activated the particle accelerator, and he went to close the skylight and the lighting stuck him." That's all it had to took to get my shoes and phone as we rush out my apartment heading to Iris car. Oh please, Barry be alright.


"How is he still alive? He's SVT." A nurse said just as Iris, Joe and I got into the doorway of the room Barry was being kept in.

"Pulse ox 80%. - No heartbeat. - CBC, Chem 24, type and cross blood. Bag him. Coding!" A doctor said as he grabs the shock machine and moves it to Barry's chest as my hands flew to my mouth.

"No Barry!" I said as Iris wrapped her arms around my shoulder and pull me close as Joe placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You can't be in here!" A nurse said as she walks towards us and tried to get us out but Iris and I stood our ground.

"We're family!" Iris said to her but I wasn't paying any attention as I kept looking at Barry as he lay with his eyes closed.

"Charging paddles, 200." The doctor yield and tried it again but nothing worked. I sink to the ground out of Iris' arms as she places her hand on my shoulder as I place my head in my hands as the tears start to flow.

"Barry!" I yield and look like the charge the machine again and place it to his chest as I close my eyes.

Iris and I stood now in the family waiting room as she sat down on one of the chairs with her head in her hands as I lean against the wall next to her. Joe went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee since we have been here for twelve hours. I let out another sigh and close my eyes before opening them again as I saw the doctor walking towards us. I place my hand on Iris' shoulder as she looks up at me before noticing the doctor as she stood up to stand next to me.

"Is he okay, doctor?" Iris asked as I fold my arms under my chest.

"He is in a coma. But every few minutes the moderator stops but he is still breathing. It is as if the moderator can keep up with his heartbeat but I don't know how much longer he will be in a coma." He said as Iris place her head in one hand and I put my hand on her shoulder.

"What can we do doctor?" I asked as I look back at him.

"All I can say is to go say your goodbyes. The change he will wake up is at least 2%." He said as Iris let out a cry and she moves towards me as I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you, doctor," I said as he nods and walked away. Iris pulled away as she looks at me before grabbing my hand as she lead me to Barry's hospital room. We enter his room to see him still laying on the bed with pipes in his nose and in his arms.

Iris place a hand on my shoulder before giving me a small smile.

"I'm gonna see what takes my dad so long." She said as I nod before leaving me alone with Barry. I close the door behind me before moving to the chair that sat next to his bed. I grab his hand as I lean into his arm looking up at him threw the tears in my eyes.

"Hi, Barry. I know you can't hear me since your in a coma." I said as I chuckle realizing I was talking to myself. "I wish you could just wake up so that I could slap you so hard. You promise me you wouldn't stay late at the office and that's exactly what you did and now you're in a coma. Barry, please wake up, for Iris, for Joe but most of all for me. I need you, Barry."

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