The Extroverted Introvert

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A paradox in human form. Those are just two things I call myself. Here's a few reasons why....

I'm very outgoing, but I have social anxiety and just anxiety in general that makes it hard to talk to people.

I'm very adventurous and have a passion for travel, yet I don't like going into the store by myself.

I love performing piano or flute pieces, yet I dislike having so much attention focused on me (I usually get tunnel vision when performing).

Just a few other things about me and annoyances...

I tend have good and valid ideas, but people do not to listen to me.

When I am able to be outgoing, I tend to scare people off. So, over the years, I've learned to keep to myself and basically become a quiet observer in social situation.

I'm pretty good at reading people, so I unfortunately know when I'm unwanted in a conversation.

I hate being manipulated and/or lied to, 

I can tell when people are lying or being manipulative, so it's very annoying when people do that and then claim they are telling the truth.

I don't particularly like the thought of being alone for ever, but I don't particularly want to date or, when I'm older, marry anyone.

I don't want to date or marry anyone because I don't want to be tied down to one place and feel obligated to stay in one place. I'm a free spirit and have a gypsy soul, it's not in my nature to stay in one place for long. I have to go and do things.

Spontaneous adventures are the best. 😊

I think living in another country would be cool.

Anyway, that's just a few things I thought I'd share.

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