Just a quick update

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Wow, 2017 already!! I'd do an overview of 2016, but for the sake of every American out there, I won't. You're welcome. Haha

Anyway, there was extemely valuable lesson I learned last year and thought I'd share it.

1) Always be kind to people, because you don't know how their day is going. They may just be having a bad day. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

So, as my New Years resolution, I've decided to put this lesson into action. This year I want to focus on becoming more kind and compassionate person. I've always tried to nice to people, but I'm really going to do my best this year to ALWAYS be nice to people. Not just when they're nice to me. To ALWAYS be nice to people even when their not nice to me.

Anyway, I hope you guys had a wonderful New Years! As always I love y'all!!

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