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Hi again! I'm gonna try to start updating this more often than I do. I guess this has also turned more blog like..

Anywway today is October 1!! My favorite month! I lovve Hallowween! More so for the costumes and not being "wwierd" for dressing up in awwesome and crazy outfits. The wweek of Hallowween is the best for this sort of thing. I'vve noticed that the wweek of and the day after it is acceptable by evveryone to wwear your costume. Becuase during that time, evveryone has parties and gatherings and it's awesome that you can wwear your cosplay or wwhatevver out and not be judged. Although, if you're anything like me, you'd wwear your cosplayout just cuz. (=^w^=)

Have a nice day and a wwonderful Hallowween!! Lovve ya!

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