Oh, America

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*sigh* Now, before I start this, don't get me wrong, I love my country. America is a wonderful country, but sometimes my fellow Americans make me go "what even". 

So, I'm watching the news when two segments catch my attention. Two sections that aired right after each other.

The first one being that type two diabetes is apparently an epidemic in America. Now, aside from a family history of type 2 diabetes, another way to get diabetes is by eating sugary and unhealthy foods almost constantly. And no one, not even (most) Americans will deny that our food portion sizes are, well, big.

The second thing I heard, which is a total opposite, is a mother was wanting to get rid of all the unhealthy food and drink options in the check out lines. This lady went as far as starting a petition. Now, I'm not bashing her healthy lifestyle, not by any means. It's good that she eats healthy. I'm just thinking that if you don't want see all the delicious candies and soda, then go shop else where, like a healthfood mart or farmers market. Sure, it's more expensive, but she won't have to look at the sodas and candies!

Okay, I'm sorry for this rant, but this sums up America pretty dang well. People complain about unhealthy food options being so prevelent, but trust me, you can get a burger and a meal for $5 and a salad meal (which is a salad and a drink, you don't even get fruit!) for around, depending on which fast food chain you're at, $7 dollars. So, idk about y'all, but for my broke wallet, the burger meal sounds like a more filling and better option.

Anyway, thanks for listening, well, reading, my rant. I love y'all and have a wonderful day!! ♡♡

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