Advice from Me

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Hey guys, one of my close friends (MIW_all_da_way) recently turned 18. We were texting and she said she was scared of her new status. She's different. She stands out for what she believes. She listens to music that scares most people but inspire others. This is the advice I gave her.

I know it's hard being different. Especially in a world full of clones. I also know it's hard to change a mindset once it's fixed. It's not gonna get any easier either. It'll only get harder. But we all have to learn yo shake it off. And you always have friends to talk to when your feeling low. And when things get really bad, turn away from society and listen to music or read. Do what makes you happy. The world has lots of evils, but it also has lots of good. So go after the wonders and screw those who try to hinder you. Because in the long run, they're just dust under your shoes.

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