✩ yoon jisung | twister

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words counted: 1020 wordsgenre: fluff, humor-

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words counted: 1020 words
genre: fluff, humor

You stared blankly at the TV in front of you, a program you weren't the least bit interested in flashing endlessly across the screen. This was how evenings at Wanna One's dorm had been for the past few days; everyone was too tired to do anything but sit around because of their comeback. You were leaning your head on Jisung's shoulder while he played with your hands on your lap; he appeared to be just as concentrated on the show as you were, constantly shifting his position and letting out miniscule sighs.
"Hyuuuung-" Daehwi's voice whined from the couch to your right. "I know we're all tired, but can we just... do something?" he flailed his limbs in the air as he enunciated the last word in his sentence, causing Seongwoo to push him off the couch so he wouldn't be hit by flying appendages.
"I agree with Daehwi," Jihoon said from the floor where he was stretched out like a rug. "We haven't done anything fun in a while."

Daniel nodded solemnly, seeming to be deep in thought over something. Suddenly, he raised a finger in the air and let out an "Ah!", causing everyone to turn their heads in his direction. Sitting up as if he had something very important to announce, he cleared his throat. "I have an idea!" He declared, smiling at his idea.
"Wait! I have a better idea!" Daehwi interjected, "Let's play Twister!"
"That was my idea though!" Seongwoo said, throwing his arms up.

Everyone glanced around, then shrugged in agreement almost simultaneously. Daehwi shot up from his uncomfortable looking position on the floor, dashing down the hall while repeating the words "I'll get it!" over and over again. Jisung let out a groan and leaned forward, releasing your hands and rolling onto the floor.
"I'm so ready to beat everyone at this." He stated, stretching his arms over his head. "Just wait, it'll be a total knockout."

"That's so not fair!" Jisung yelled after having fallen flat on his face after three spins. "I was supposed to dominate at this!"

You stifled your laughter as best as you could so you wouldn't fall as well, but a few loud giggles left your mouth as your boyfriend slumped onto the couch in defeat, taking the spinner from Jinyoung , who had opted to watch rather than play (you were pretty sure he had an irrational fear of Daehwi's limbs). Now there were four of you left on the mat, and you weren't sure how much longer you would survive.
Surprisingly, you managed to last longer than both Daniel and Jaehwan , who now sat around the outside of the mat trying to tip you and Daehwi over discreetly. Jisung couldn't stop snickering to himself at how twisted up you were on the mat; you had practically tied yourself in a knot to reach the correct spaces. Daehwi didn't look much different than you, and he was shaking slightly from the fatigue in his arms and legs. Flicking the spinner, Jisung could hardly contain his laughter as he called out the next move.

You groaned loudly when you realized you would have to reach all the way across the mat, and the only way to do that would be to lean over Daehwi, who already seemed to be teetering on the edge of falling over. You let out an inhuman sound as you launched your upper body over Daehwi, trying to avoid him as best as you could. Your hand landed in the correct spot, but you soon realized that almost all of your weight was now resting on Daehwi's back.
"Oh no." You breathed, just in time for Daehwi to release a strangled cry and collapse beneath you, taking both of you to the ground. You landed in a somewhat awkward looking position on top of Daehwi, who seemed to be too exhausted to notice (that, or he was dead. Either one). You exploded into laughter at the situation, temporarily forgetting the fact that your boyfriend was literally three feet away from you.

Jisung stared in shock as the whole fiasco went down, trying to swallow the burst of laughter that bubbled in his throat. He had just witnessed his own girlfriend fall on top of the maknae, which should have elicited jealousy within him- but all he felt was extreme amusement at the whole thing, especially the strained and defeated look on Daehwi's face. Unable to contain it, he burst out laughing along with you and the other members, minus Daehwi who still looked as though he were in immense pain, or constipation, or something of the like.

You rolled off of the poor boy, pressing your hand over your mouth in an attempt to calm down. Your eyes widened in fear when you remembered that Jisung had seen the whole thing, and you raised your head to look at him, expecting jealous fury to be etched into his features. A look of confusion crossed your face when all you saw was him with a hilariously huge grin on his face, eyes closed because he was laughing so hard.

"I- I should be-" he choked out between laughs, "I should be so jealous right now, but-" He collapsed into another fit of laughter, placing his shaking head in his hands, then throwing his head back against the couch. "But the look on your faces!"

"Did we really look that funny?" You asked, still overcoming the shock of how funny he found yours and Daehwi's failure. Jisung just slumped further into the couch, still laughing. The other members were laughing just as hard, and soon you heard your own laughter in the mix again.
"Daehwi, you're a genius. This was the best idea you've had in weeks!" Jisung exclaimed as Daehwi began to sit up, rubbing his head and joining in on the laughter. Seongwoo suddenly stopped laughing, a purely offended look forming on his face.

"Jisung hyung! It was my idea first, Daehwi just stole it!"
You were certain that you and the rest of Wanna One would be crying of laughter in no time.

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