❀ lai guan lin | vampire

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words counted: 2564 wordsgenre: fantasy, angst, fluff-

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words counted: 2564 words
genre: fantasy, angst, fluff

You were tired of it. Tired of feeling like you weren't enough for him. For Guan Lin.

You've been like this for far too long now and you were sick of it.

You knew Guan Lin loved you a lot. He made sure that he showed you that, but you weren't the only one that had his love and it hurt you so much that sometimes you felt like you couldn't even breathe. Yet you had stayed by his side for so long in hopes that maybe one day you would be the only one in his eyes.

But it seemed like life wasn't fair enough to give you what you wanted most.
Each night you would anxiously wait in hopes that it would be you that Guan Lin would be seeing instead of her.
However, there is only so much heartbreak and disappointment that one can take and everybody reaches a breaking point. This was yours.

You had been staying at his mansion for a while now. He lived with a few other boys that he called his brothers. They had been together for centuries, and they've always been there for each other.
It had been a few days that you were thinking about doing this. Through careful preparation, you had managed to pack a few things into a bag and waited for the perfect time to sneak out when nobody home.

It's not like you wanted to do this. If you had things going your way, you would have stayed by his side, but you just couldn't handle the pain anymore. Nights when he came home later than usual or not at all.
You didn't know why you got your hopes up in the first place since Guan Lin had never given you the impression that his love was exclusively yours.
It was like he was torn between you and the other girl and you didn't want to spend the rest of your life like this. It had always been Guan Lin and no other for you, but that feeling was not mutual.

For him, it was always you and her.
You asked him about it before, but he just brushed it aside, telling you to not be jealous and that he loved you and it crushed you when he said it so nonchalantly. Like you had asked him what the weather was like.
So you had made up your mind and had decided to leave. If it was always going to be like this, you would rather leave now, be hurt for a while and get over it than staying by his side and have your heart trampled on repeatedly.
Creeping through the hallways of the mansion, you tried to make as little noise as possible in case that somebody was wondering around.

You held your breath as you turned each corner, half expecting one of the boys to be standing there waiting for you to catch you in the act. Or worse.
Guan Lin.
Finally you reached the huge double doors leading to outside and you had to stop yourself from letting out a sigh of relief upon leaving.
The main reason why you were sneaking out was that you didn't want the rest of the boys asking you questions, leading to Guan Lin finding you. It was just easier if nobody knew about it, letting you get a head start in running wherever you were headed to. Your old place was definitely out of the question as Guan Lin knew where it was and it was likely he would go there first as soon as he realised that you were gone. So you wracked your brain for ideas on where to go.
You were running for a while until you soon got tired and stopped, slowing down to a walk. You figured you were far enough now and there was no need for running.
You had no idea where you were though, since you rarely left the mansion. You were never really one for the outdoors and the gardens on the estate was more than enough for you when you decided you needed some fresh air.
As you walked on you eventually came across a building with a bright sign shining. A motel.
This time, you allowed yourself to sigh in relief. You could stay here for a while until you ultimately decided where you wanted to go.

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