∞ park jihoon | stuck

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words counted: 1113 wordsgenre: fluffa/n: the only anime movie I've watched lol and it's been a very long time omgg but it stills make me cry-

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words counted: 1113 words
genre: fluff
a/n: the only anime movie I've watched lol and it's been a very long time omgg but it stills make me cry

There was absolutely no way that this was happening. First, you would have bet there was no way you could have to fit in there, and second, you weren't aware that somewhere during your high school career you had become the main character in a typical angsty high school movie about the nerd who was always bullied by jocks. If you didn't have a touch of claustrophobia you probably would have been laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of your situation, but in that moment you were putting all of your effort into trying not to freak out.
You shivered as the cool metal of the locker came in contact with the bare flesh of your arms, causing you to shiver. Only five minutes had passed but it felt like an hour, especially with your neck scrunched down by the underside of the locker shelf. Luckily you could breathe through the vent, but very little light was making its way through, and you would be lying if you said you weren't slightly afraid of the dark.
You had walked out of the math classroom across the hall after staying late to finish a test when the guys ambushed you. You only recognized one of the football players, a guy whose math homework you had refused to do for him the week before. Once they had shoved you inside your own locker they walked off laughing, and once their cruel voices had disappeared into the distance there was no more noise to be heard.

You listened carefully for anyone who could help, but apparently your teacher had left just after you and there was no one there to hear you banging against the inside of your locker. Slumped against the back of it, you cursed your luck and the fact that they hadn't shoved your backpack inside with you as well. Of course your phone was in the front pocket of your backpack instead of your back pocket. You were screwed.
Hope had all but been lost when the sound of quiet footsteps filled the silence. At first you thought were imagining it in the delirious state you had almost reached, but sure enough the footsteps were getting louder and louder.
"HELP!" You yelled repeatedly, banging against the metal with your fists until your knuckles hurt. "Please! I'm stuck! Help!"
The footsteps stopped for a moment, and you sighed in frustration, assuming the person had already gone. However, the universe decided suddenly to throw you a bone, and the footsteps not only began again, but were now heading in your direction.

"Hello? Is someone there?" You shouted weakly, hoping not to jynx your luck.
"Yeah," A boy's voice answered hesitantly, "Where are you?"
"I'm... uh," You paused, embarrassed, "I'm in a locker."
Silence. You slumped back against the metal, figuring they either thought they were hallucinating or decided whoever you were, you probably weren't somebody they wanted to interact with.
"Which one?"
"101," You answered, sighing in relief. A few footsteps later a shadow blocked the slivers of light coming through the locker vents.
"Is this your locker?" He asked.
"What's your combo?"
Slowly you relayed the numbers, listening to the quiet clicks of the lock as it twisted around in its spot. Suddenly you were blinded by brightness as the locker door was yanked open.

You blinked a few times, letting your eyes adjust to the light. Standing in front of you was an unfamiliar guy, eyes wide and concerned. For a few seconds the two of you stood there quietly, unsure how you got in that position and even more unsure about what you were supposed to do now.
"Need some help?" He offered his hand to help you out.
Gratefully you took it and he helped you climb out of the uncomfortable space. You immediately stretched out your arms and back, your joints popping. You took a much needed breath of fresh air, taking a second to tell yourself that you were out, and there was no reason to freak out.
"Thank you so much," You gushed out, "I seriously thought I was gonna be stuck in there all night."
"It's no problem," He smiled a bit, glad you were okay, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine," You replied, suddenly remembering to be embarrassed.
You leaned over to pick up your backpack, shoving your locker closed with contempt. Neither of you were sure what to do, but you were avoiding his gaze and he was noting to himself how cute you looked when you blushed.

"Uh, I'm Park Jihoon," He said finally, smiling at his forgetfulness when he realized he had never given you his name.
"Nice to meet you," You chuckled airily, "I'm Y/N."
"Well, Y/N," Jihoon looked down at his shoes while he got his grin under control before looking back up at you from beneath his lashes, "Mind if I walk out with you?"
"Not at all."

You were only two steps down the long hallway to the door before Jihoon began talking. He hated the silence, and if he was being honest, he wanted to get to know a little bit more about you.
"So, would you mind if I ask you how you got stuck in there?"
"Oh, it was just some guys," You looked down at your hands, chipping at your already demolished nail polish, "I don't really know who they were."
"And they just shoved you in there?" He replied quietly, mystified by how someone could ever shove another person into a locker and leave them there, let alone you, who seemed only to be wonderful so far.
"They'll get what's coming to them," Jihoon said, his voice optimistic. You smiled over at him, and he returned the gesture.

When the two of you reached the front door of your school he stepped forward and held the door open for you, and you smiled inwardly at his kindness.
"Thanks again," You said awkwardly, pausing on the sidewalk where you knew you'd have to turn to walk to your car in the back parking lot.
"I'm glad I was there," Jihoon replied.
Awkward silence followed. You nudged the pavement with your worn down sneakers, hair blowing in your fair from the brisk autumn wind.
"I think you're in my chemistry class."
"What?" You glanced back up at Jihoon.
"I thought you looked familiar," He said, "Do you sit in the back right near the windows?"
"Yeah, I do," You chuckled, "What a coincidence."
"Well..." Jihoon smiled down at the ground before meeting your gaze again. "I guess I'll see you in chemistry class then."
"Yeah," You smiled, "I guess you will."

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