[31] friend,

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junior year of high school

It was his first day, and Hamilton was ready to start over. New place, new life, a new beginning.

It was lunch; he'd already met some teachers who were alright and a few students; although most of them ignored him.

They seemed to underestimate him; just because he was an immigrant he couldn't be smart?

How did they think he even got here? Did they believe that the people in Charlestown would save up for him to go to America because he was stupid?

And it wasn't like he couldn't speak English or anything, he spoke English, and Spanish, and French, and some Dutch and Danish too.

Stupid high school kids, he wasn't the stupid one.

He was so not stupid that he'd managed to convince his new landlord that he was nineteen.

It wasn't that he didn't look it in person, it was more that he needed to look it on paper.

Which made it a good thing that Edward Stevens; the son of the store owner who had adopted Hamilton back in Nevis, had a hobby of counterfeiting documents and made Alexander a fake ID along with everything else he would need.

Eddie and Alex were close growing up, but they failed to keep in touch.

Alexander Hamilton was not stupid, and he wouldn't let anyone tell him that.

And no one did.

He sat alone at lunch.

The school he went to was a private school, so he had to wear a uniform.

Judging from the American movies, he'd found in Thomas Stevens' store that he watched when he wasn't working; kids in private schools were fancy and friendly even.

But no one had even bothered talking to him. All he got was glares. He looked down at the soup in front of him; it was a gross shade of brown, but it tasted alright. He kept on eating when someone suddenly interrupted him.

"Hey, you the new kid?"

Alexander looked up to see a tall kid, probably his age towering over him.

He wasn't sure if he was trying to be friendly or intimidating.

He wore a bandana around his head.

"Yeah, Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton."

He put his hand out for the other kid to shake.

He just laughed.

"Like James Bond."


Alexander was still confused as to whether he was trying to be nice or a straight up asshole.

"Like...never mind, I'm Mulligan, Hercules Mulligan." He took his hand and smiled.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked, and Hamilton nodded; maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Mulligan gestured for two other kids to come over to where they were sitting.

Maybe he'd really make some friends.

445 words


three short chapters are as good as one long one, right?


this is gonna stop being so sad soon;

by soon I mean next chapter?

I think

I only have one more chapter ready though

I'm going to try not to post until Friday because if I can stick to a schedule and be organized

literally anyone can

this chapter was on the lighter side tho,

also, you guys really seem to like the stars chapter....interesting

see you friday


A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now