[21] burn,

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Alexander and Eliza had been officially dating for two months now. She slept over at his dorm all the time. Their love was sickening to Thomas.

Jefferson liked Alexander; only one person knew that. Well, two people now that he and James had made up.

He spent most days outside of class alone on their couch, in his room and occasionally with his brother or his old best friend whenever they forced him to leave his dear couch; which he was practically glued to by now.

Maybe he was dramatic, but he had started to notice Alexander ignoring him again. Ignoring him; talking to him coldly.

What did he do?

Yes, they didn't have the greatest past, but he thought they were friends now. Semi-friends at least.

Things were still a little weird between Jefferson and Madison, but they could talk to each other again. Thomas never realised how much he missed that aspect of their relationship.

Madison and Laurens were together now and believe it or not; Thomas was happy for them.

How great his life was,

Madison and Laurens were in a relationship

Mulligan and Lafayette were in a relationship

All of the Schuylers were in a relationship; one of them with Hamilton.

Heck, even that Burr guy from his political theory class was in a relationship now with that Prevost girl.

But that was okay. Thomas didn't need a relationship; he was fine, he was great. So great.

Alexander sat in the library in which he and Eliza had so many times sat and talked. Now she had asked him to come there.

He had been busy with school in the past few days. To be honest, he was always busy with school but being a political science major along with the law internship he was trying to get; he was even busier.

Eliza had asked him to come there; to the place of their first kiss, it was so special to them; the place where he confessed his love to her.

He did still felt that way. Right?

He noticed a letter laying on the table in front of him. He curiously looked at it. It was addressed to him.

He recognised the handwriting to be Eliza's and slowly opened it, revealing a letter.

Dear Alexander,

The past two months have been a lot of fun, but they only were because I gave you everything you wanted and more.

I gave you quiet when you studied alone in your room. I left you alone whenever you asked, and when you turned me down to go out due to whatever reason, I gave you peace.

Then you destroyed me with your words, found every flaw I had.

When I failed to comply you got angrier and became firm.

You deem yourself better than everyone else, and in many ways, you are.

But you are in denial. You are scared of closeness.

Your inconsistency, Alexander, is that you want commitment, demand loyalty, need love so despairingly but are afraid of the vulnerability it produces.

There is no way I can be with a person who will never trust me enough to let me all the way in; I will not forever sit on your doorstep.

It is time for me to walk away,

E. Schuy

Hamilton was left with tears in his eyes. His mind wandered back to their fight the other day, when she came to his dorm, hoping to go out with him for once but he was busy.

And after she pointed out his flaw of writing like he was running out of time he made sure to point out every single flaw he could find in her.

That was a bad move.

But he'd forgotten about it.

How did he forget about that?

Was she so disgusted by him she couldn't bear to break up with him face to face? Was their relationship really like that?

Hamilton felt his insides tear and the blood drain from his face. He wanted to laugh. He didn't want to cry. There were people there. He wasn't going to cry in front of people.

Did she not love him? He loved her. 

She was the only one who had ever really loved him. 

He had felt so loved whenever he was with her. Her smile said a thousand words, but they were in a language unfamiliar to Alexander.

Out of nowhere, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He recognised the hand.

He was still clutching the letter, trying his best not to break into tears the moment he looked up at the face he was expecting to see.


"I'm sorry." She quietly said.

She looked nearly as broken as he did.

He gulped down a sob, trying to keep his balance as she walked away. His heart broke into little pieces as tears of regret clouded his sight. He wanted to yell out to her desperately.
Beg on his knees that he would make time for her. He would never yell at her again. He wanted to obliterate all of his mistakes, start over fresh; but she was right.

 It was over, and he had killed it.

861 words

well that's that.


now that that's out of the way.

I decided to post this chapter I literally just wrote instead of saving it because I start school tomorrow and I wanted to give you like a three chapters in three days kinda thing before I start. 

I'm still making a schedule.

welllll I will post again soon (soon is a relative term)


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