[15] 2 am,

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 Jefferson sat on the couch. It was 2 am, and he couldn't sleep. Everything in his mind swirled around; he couldn't think straight. He was tired. Exhausted even, but he just could not sleep.

"I don't like you like that anymore." He recalled saying to his best friend, his former best friend, right?

Was that true? Didn't he like Madison anymore? He'd liked him for years; he was in love with him.

And now when he got the chance he'd been waiting for for years, he refused?

His head hurt, he could barely keep his eyes open, but he couldn't keep them closed either.

Nothing was clear enough for him to understand.

But he liked Alexander, didn't he?

It had taken him some time to come to terms with the fact that someone he used to hate. Someone he couldn't stand for years he now looked forward to seeing in the morning.

It was the weekend and come to think of it; he'd barely seen his roommate all day. He ate breakfast this morning; they talked a little even.

Should he tell him about the kiss?

Not that he'd care. Just because Thomas had fallen for him didn't mean Hamilton felt the same. It was the same story over again.

He hadn't noticed, but he was shaking, his whole body trembling. It was too many emotions for him, too much to keep inside, even though he had gotten fairly good at it.

He just wanted to sleep, to just sleep and wake up in the morning and everything would be okay. Everything would be figured out.

At first, he didn't notice the tears coming from his eyes either, streaming down his face rapidly. He didn't try to stop them. He just sat on the couch, longing for sleep, longing for his head to be quiet

He hadn't noticed but he was sobbing now, he sat on the sofa, sobbing loudly.

And there was no one there to make the tears stop, no one to calm him down.

Thomas Jefferson had never felt so alone in his entire life.

He didn't notice a door open, or the short man ambling towards him.

He didn't hear his name being called; he didn't see the man sitting down next to him.

Next thing he knew he was clutching onto his roommate's shirt for dear life.

But his roommate didn't leave; he didn't speak, he just held him.

404 words

this is shorttt I'm sorry;
 also everyone is having breakdowns in this story, have you noticed?


and I start school next week tho but

now that isn't neccesarily important information butttt because of that I will be posting more frequently, every day if possible, a few times a day maybe, 

we'll see how it goes. 


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