[18] asshole,

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Hercules, Lafayette, Alexander and John were all gathered in Lafayette and Hercules' dorm. Laurens had announced that he had something to tell them and the group waited in excitement as Laurens spoke.

"You know me and Madison are roommates, right?"

Alexander was confused.


"Well, last night we..." He started before being cut off by Mulligan

"Oooh let me guess, you broke his phone."

"No, I..."

"Ate all his food?"

Hercules added yet again being wrong.

"No, we didn't..."

"You got a dog!"

Hercules was excited; he hoped he could meet the dog soon.

"What? No, why would we get a dog?"

Hercules frowned.

"Fine, I give up, just tell us."

"Well, we...kissed." He said slowly, witnessing his friends' jaws nearly drop to the ground.

Alexander was confused, didn't Madison kiss Jefferson last night? Was he just kissing everyone now?

"Well, congratulations I guess...right?" Hamilton said, still confused.

"Thank you."

Lafayette was also confused, didn't his brother just tell him that Madison kissed him last night? What was up with that guy?

"So, are you guys like a thing now?" Hercules added, genuinely happy for the two.

"I don't know. We haven't talked about it, but we kissed...a lot last night so I mean it wasn't an accident." Laurens said, sitting down on the couch next to Lafayette.

"And I like him. I really do."

"Well, that's great mon ami," Lafayette smiled.

"Thanks, Laf."

Later that night, Lafayette went with Alexander back to his dorm, said he had to talk to Jefferson. Hamilton didn't think much about it, just let him in, seeing Jefferson on the couch. Had he moved at all since he left that morning?

Alexander hoped he was okay. Yes, they had their...disagreements, but the past night, Alexander couldn't help but worry about his roommate. Lafayette went over to their place this morning when he was with Eliza though.
He hoped he was okay.

"Thomas, can I talk to you?" Lafayette asked as Hamilton closed the door behind them and walked into the kitchen to grab a cookie.

Jefferson looked up from his computer screen to see his brother by the door and his roommate in the kitchen.

"Sure, what?"

"Can we um, go to your room?"

Alexander walked over to his room slowly. What was so secret that Lafayette couldn't tell Alex? Whatever, it wasn't his business. He closed the door behind him.

"Okay." Jefferson put his laptop down on the small table in front of him and stood up, heading to his room, his brother following.

After the door was closed, they sat down on the bed, Thomas looking confusedly at Lafayette.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

"I don't know how to say this."

Jefferson raised his brows.


"You remember Madison?" Lafayette asked hopefully.

"No, who's that?" Thomas replied sarcastically.


"Come on, spit it out."

"He and John are kind of going out now."

Jefferson's face dropped.


"John just told us."

Thomas wasn't sure how to react.

"When did this happen?" He asked, faking a smile.

"Last night apparently."

"But..." He started, trying to acquire more information.

"I know," Lafayette said, feeling sorry for his older brother.

"Before or after?" Jefferson said, nearly whispering.

"I don't know, I just know it was last night, John was quite subtle about it."

Neither of them said anything for a while.

Alexander was in a relationship now; with a Schuyler sister.

And James, his James was going out with Laurens.

Jefferson wanted to cry, but he was out of tears.

The one time he didn't try to hold them in, they didn't come.

He rested his head on his brother's shoulder, closing his eyes; wishing that it didn't hurt so goddamn much. Why did it? Why did he even care about Hamilton? Since when did he care about Hamilton?

He recalled a fight they once had when Jefferson had a bad day.

He remembered Hamilton said something about his family, so he shot back, bad.

He remembered how his brother didn't talk to him for days afterwards, after slapping him in front of the whole school.

Jefferson remembered how he deserved it.

He also remembered later finding out, that Lafayette hadn't talked to Hamilton either for days, merely making sure he was okay.

Hamilton didn't deserve what Jefferson said to him, but it seemed as if he'd forgotten that one of his best friends was, in fact, Jefferson's family, who Hamilton had; if he recalled it right called "fucked up."

Lafayette didn't deserve that, but Thomas did.

But Lafayette didn't deserve Thomas dumping everything on him either. Hamilton was his friend, his good friend and it wasn't fair on him to have to keep everything from him.
And now his ex-best friend was dating another one of Lafayette's friends, although to be fair, he kind of stole Madison from Laurens. Great, another stupid thing he'd done.

Lafayette didn't deserve any of that shit.

"I'm sorry," Jefferson whispered.

"Pour quoi?" Lafayette responded softly.

"I'm sorry I'm an asshole."

833 words

wooo I updated like I promised (although it is 12:40 am here so idk if it counts)

I just realised, as I wrote this chapter that it would probably be a good idea to get, you know any idea as to where this story is going...because I'm honestly just going with the flow every chapter whoops.

that's not your problem; sorry.

we're legit almost at 2k and I just wanted to say thank you, like I never thought I'd get more than a 100 reads and you guys are just amazing and make me really happy, I LOVE YOU.

okay, I'll see you...tomorrow?


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