(7)My biological parents want the misfit I am back... And I want to be back?

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Ughh I've been taking Finals at my school and because I'ma frosh I had noooo idea what to expect but finally One more day of testing and I'm done! NO MORE SCHOOL WHOOOO!!

Lol I know, I know, hyper but whatever, I just wanted to say thank you to anyone reading this and I'm sorry if it's kind of long or anything like that I just felt bad that I hadn't uploaded in a while and cause it's the weekend I felt like I had the time.:)

Oh and I'm sorry Its soo depressing it's just that I had no idea WHY a parent might give up their kid so it had t be drastic. BUT I promise in the next chapter it will be a lot better and she goes to school which will be interesting to say the least :D


Mr. Cruz paled and said. " Not now. Not at the dinner table." I noticed Mrs. Cruz looked tense and sat in her chair ramrod straight.

What could be so damn bad? Honestly it hurt to think that my 'parents' had given me up a birth, but I'd rather hear that they gave me up because they didn't love me then have to wonder why. I hate that word, why. It brings along some of the worst headaches on earth. And 'what if'. Don't get me wrong I realize some great inventions have been created cause of them but god the questions and thoughts never end!


Paddy's POV

I glanced at Robin, then looked at my dad. I wondered what he would say. She could never know. I wasn't even supposed to know. I'd heard my parents talking to Jules and he convinced them to write it down in a letter. I'd stolen it and read it. And been shocked.

No. She could never know.

I looked at her again. She looked lost in thought and so innocent. God, if she knew then I would never get to know my little sister. "Zane come on, lets go. Back later mom, dad." I left not listening to the objections they called.

Zane followed me quietly. He was always quiet, but it was one of the reasons I trusted him so much. We walked out the front door

Zane looked at me and asked, "Mine?"

I nodded and started toward his car as he pulled the keys out of his pocket. I walked across the dark street and toward the car. I slid into the passenger seats he unlocked it and waited till Zane got in the car then began talking.

"Dude. My parents can't tell her. She'll hate them."

"You know what it is?" he didn't look to surprised.

"Do you?"

"No." Okay then. Well I'll tell you I guess. But your going to help me. I have to figure a way out for her to not know. Or a way to break it to her. Please. Help me!" I was upset and Zane I could tell was surprised.

"Okaaay?" He drew the word out carefully and quietly.

I took a deep breath then said, "Jules convinced my parent to write it all down in a letter. I heard them talking about it and I stole the letter. I wanted to know and I was wondering what could be so bad that they were too ashamed to say it to her face. So I stole the letter." I was speaking fast. It was a Cruz trait. We always spoke fast, but now? I was on hyper drive but Zane I thought could still understand me or else he would've told me to slow down and - Stop. I ordered myself. I can't let emotion rule my thought and reason.

"Well what did the letter say?" He prompted.

Another pause. Sometimes I feel like being dramatic is in my blood from my dad. "She's not my dad's kid."

"What do you mean?" Zane looked at me like I was crazy. "She even looks like you."

"No. You don't understand. She's not my FATHERS daughter. My mom was having an affair apparently. And my dad didn't want to see a kid that constantly reminded him of his wife's endeavors so they put her up for adoption." I looked at Zane and lowered my voice. "She can't know."

Zane looked at me and said, "I don't know about never knowing but for now? I'll help. She won't know."


Robin's POV

After Paddy and Zane left, the dinner basically ended. I had finally gotten my mind to stop babbling though so I could at least function and managed to ask Mrs. Cruz where I could shower.

"Next door to Paddy's room, 2nd door on the right form the stairs." She sounded distant and tired.

"Thanks." I quickly ran up the stairs. I ran into my room and grabbed a loose t shirt and a baggy pair of basketball shorts I had snagged from Pat when he wasn't around. I loved sleeping in baggy clothing. I also grabbed undergarments and my toothbrush and stuff. The normal bathroom routine stuff. I walked to the door across the hall from me. It was the wrong room but I stopped to look anyway.

It was dark blue and big. It was also pretty messy. A tv was on in the corner and it was quietly humming the song that that game plays, I couldn't remember, COD or MW2 or something like that, Patrick had it though. I stared at the room mesmerized. I don't know why. I just felt like everyone in the house was so fake. Or like they were acting for me and everything would go back to normal for them once I was gone.

Seeing Paddy's room, messy and guy-ish, made me kind of happy, To see that he was a normal teenage guy with a room that stank of axe fit his personality so well that I smiled.

I turned to find the bathroom and saw Paddy and Zane walking up the stairs. Paddy looked... Off. Odd. Tense. I wasn't sure what the word was. But I knew that surprised fit him best when he saw me leaving his room.

"Hey... What's up?" he said it carefully, probably trying not to upset his new bipolar sister. I burned with embarrassment.

"I... um just needed, you know... the bathroom?" I stood there like an idiot then said "I forgot where your mom said it was." Damn why had I said your mom? That would probably just annoy him.

Paddy nodded and said "Oh. " That was it. Now we were like how I expected it to be. Neither of us was quite sure what to say to each other. We just looked quietly watching each other.

Zane looked back and forth between us then said, "It's that door." He pointed to the door next to Paddy's room on the left.

I turned to e=walk into the bathroom and saw Zane giving Paddy a 'WTF' look. I laughed quietly but by the time they looked over at me I had already shut the door and broken into a full on laugh.


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My biological parents want the misfit I am back... And i want to be back?Where stories live. Discover now