Chapter 10

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We pull up to their driveway and the whole family is already waiting for us outside. Susan breaks down crying when she sees everyone being so supportive and I run up to give Mason a long hug. Isabella watches for the side waiting to hug me while Fraser rubs my back supportively. Kayla is standing next to George looking confused as usual. When I finish hugging Mason, I hug Isabella then Kayla who looks at me funny - maybe because she caught Mason and I kissing but to be honest I don't even care, I just want to make sure everyone I care about is safe. Fraser goes home tonight before dinner but it's only 1pm now so he's got tons of time here.

"You should have phoned us when you noticed him first getting bad." Rebecca says her voice filled with concerned. Susan rubs her glossy blue eyes. I've never seen her cry before and I've know her for almost 10 years now.
"I just didn't think it would get this bad." Susan says between sobs.

* * *

Fraser has left now and we're sitting at the table eating spaghetti bolognese. Susan has stopped crying and the adults figured it would be best for Susan to have a bedroom to herself so Isabella, Mason and I have all decided to sleep downstairs in the lounge room to give her plenty of space.

I finish my dinner so I excuse myself and sit on the couch with my knees up to my chest. I had seen this happen to people all the time on movies but never thought it would happen to me. I'm so thankful to be surrounded by people who have my back.

Eventually Mason and Isabella finish their dinner so we decide to watching movies before going to bed. Bella and I have seperate mattress and Mason is on the couch. Halfway through the movie we turn it off just to talk.

"Isabella have you told Mason about... you know?" I say gesturing towards her potentially human-carrying belly.
"We don't know if I am though." I raise an eyebrow at her. There is a very high chance she could be. I wonder what will happen if she's pregnant? Will she keep the baby? Will that baby's baby be a mermaid? I guess there's no answer to that other than time will tell. Beside it's only been a day since the... baby making... so she's got about a week until symptoms kick in then we'll find out.

"Well I'm off to sleep." Bella states.
"Good night." I say.

* * *

I can't fall asleep and Mason is determined to stay up with me until I do just in case my dad comes in, but really Isabella and I have the best chances of defending ourselves with magic - although Mason is super cute saying he'll protect me.

Mason sits behind me and cuddles me kissing my cheek. I face him so our lips can meet. "Sleep beside me." I ask hugging him.
"Okay Soph." he replies kissing my head. We lay down and cuddle until we both fall asleep in one another's arms.

* * *

I wake up early to find Mason staring at me peacefully. If it were anyone else it would be considered creepy. "Good morning babe." Mason says quietly.
"Morning, I'm gonna get up wanna come?" I ask. He nods and we tiptoe to the kitchen.
"Are you feeling better about your dad?" Mason asks with concern.
"No... I'm just glad Lilly wasn't there to see it." I shrug.

He cuddles me and we kiss passionately. "Good morn-." Rebecca says until she catches us. We stop kissing immediately and stare at her awkwardly, "umm want pancakes?" she asks to ease the tension.
"Sure, you?" I ask quickly.
"Mhm, sure." Mason says itching his back.

Oh my God. That is embarrassing... "So, umm how long have you two been doing this?"
"Not umm, that long, umm excuse us." Mason says politely dragging me gently by the waist.

He drags me to the bathroom and just laughs. "Secret is out." I chuckle.
"At least now we get to do this..." Mason says seductively, continuing what we started in the kitchen.

* * *

"Pancakes are ready!" Rebecca calls out.

Isabella and Kayla are already out at the table, though Isabella doesn't look all too well - I hope she isn't pregnant for her sake. George is helping Rebecca serve pancakes and Susan still isn't out of the room, but no one is going to nag her because she needs some personal time alone.

"George did you know our son is involved in a relationship?" Rebecca says gesturing towards us sitting together.
"What! How could you not tell me?" Isabella asks tears streaming down her face. Oh boy, her hormones are going crazy!
"Bella, honey I think you need to go have a lie down." I say gently, getting up to walk her to the lounge room.

Isabella gets up and as I'm helping her lie down comfortably she pukes. "Mason!" I call.
Mason comes running over, "What happened?" he asks.
"Can you keep an eye on her while I clean up this mess?" I ask and he nods.

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