Chapter 7

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After I'm done answering questions I walk to the Wright family since they are only a 5 minute drive from her house. I get inside and wipe my cheek and puffy eyes.

"Sophia what's wrong?" Rebecca asks me genuinely.
"Grandma Louisa is gone." I swallow.

I see Mason, Kayla and Isabella and burst into tears. Isabella runs up to me and gives me a warm hug. Mason just stands to the side awkwardly and Kayla just looks super confused as to what is going on.

"Sophia we need to talk." Mason says mysteriously pulling me aside. The others walk out of the room and my tears have settled. "I'm sorry for fighting with you. I should just accept the fact that you can't change anything about your 'fish' side so I'll embrace it instead. Maybe we could go swimming together me, you and Bella." I nod excitedly and squeeze him tightly.
"Sorry today I'm a mess. I'm so glad we aren't fighting anymore but Grandma said before she... you know... that Isabella took her power. I'm not blaming her I just find it odd how that happened." I say quickly.
"We'll figure it out." he saying rubbing my arm gently. I smile.

Dad, Susan, Lilly and myself stay at the Wrights until dinner just to hang around. They're such good company no wonder why we're always here. I'm so glad Mason and I have resulted our fight but it will be annoying to teach Isabella how to stay as human as possible but we might grow stronger because of it.

"Sophia can we talk about that night in the tent..?" Mason asks grabbing me from my thoughts.
"Look Mason I really, really like you but I think just because how messy my life is I would appreciate us just being friends." I say calmly.
"Okay friend." Mason says with a wink walking away.
"What was that about?" Isabella asks.
"Ohh nothing Bella." I say with a chuckle.

* * *

I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing viciously.

bella.wright: I forgot about everything and had a shower.
bella.wright: djsidneiskdnwocnruwodnwi
bella.wright: lkifend answer me dkdneosm
bella.wright: nvm i'm okay but that really hurt meeeee

I reply saying. 'honey i'm coming over to teach you things how about 11am?'
Isabella replied instantly.
bellawright: sure just come straight up to my house.

I get up and peer my head into Dad and Susan's room. Susan is comforting Dad. Poor dad he's an actual mess. Lilly doesn't seem too torn up, but I suppose that's because Grandma Louisa was always allot closer to me than Lilly for obvious reasons.

I pour myself some cereal in a bowl and go out to the back yard. I love where we live because it's only a 5 minute drive to the beach but not so close that you get annoyed with the tourists. We're so fortunate to be living where we are.

I check the kitchen clock and it reads 10:30am. Boy did I sleep in.

"Hey Lilly." I say. Lilly and my relationship is sorta confusing because some times I hate her then some times I love her and vice versa. You know?
"Good morning Soph. I was just about to make Dad pancakes what any?" Lilly asks politely.
"No thanks I'm just about to leave anyways." I say.

Grandma passing has brought everyone closer together. Is that mean to say? Because it is true. Isabella and I are closer now that she's a mermaid, Mason and I are friends again and our family is closer because we know we have to be strong for dad. He's had life tough. Our mum left him when we were young so grandma helped him get through it, now that she's gone he's going to have a hard time adjusting.

sophiajones: on my way.
bella.wright: okay see you soon.

By the time I get to the beach I have 20 minutes left until 11am. I look around then sneak around the corner of a cliff to play with my powers a bit. It's so fun making the water into the shape of a heart, freezing it, floating it above the water then slowly heating it to watch it become normal water again. I dive into the water when I heard some tourists around the corner.

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