Chapter 2

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I kick the blankets off my sweating legs and turn the fan on high. If yesterday they were only thinking of swimming today they'll know they want to be swimming. It feels like it's 35 degrees (celsius) so I'm going to have to think of a way to get myself out off swimming with them.

"Breakfast is ready!" George yells out.

I run, well attempt to, my fingers through my messy bed hair. Tonight will be the last night at the Wright's family, and although we experience allot of hellos and goodbyes they always make our time memorable.

I make my way to the kitchen and greet the early birds. I don't know how but Kayla and George are always the first ones up, and of cause Kayla is playing with her ponies.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.
"Swimming and surfing I hope." George says.

I grab a plate and get some eggs and bacon off the counter. As I come closer to finishing my breakfast more people start joining in having breakfast, the only ones still asleep are Isabella and Susan.

"I say we head to the beach today." Mason suggests. Everyone agrees. As Susan walks out. "so it's agreed that we're going? Because if so I need to put more wax on my surfboard."

Mason goes out to the shed and I follow. Isabella is already their waxing her board.

"I don't know why you guys want to go to the beach so bad, don't you get bored of it?" I ask.
"Why don't you wanna go and surf? I'll teach you it'll be fun." Isabella suggests as she and Mason wax their boards.
"Lady time." I lie.

Mason shuffles awkwardly and accepts the fact that us girls need space some times. As I wave bye while they wax the surfboards, I secretly run off towards the beach to swim alone for a bit.

As I run and dive into the waves little bubbles erupt to the surface as I'm yet again greeted with the curse and blessing of my tail.

I swim alone, frolicking with the tiny fish and playing amongst the further out waves I begin to wonder how long I've been out here for. It's so hot today and all I want to do is swim in the ocean, but reality can be a butt sometimes so I'm forced to drag myself out of the water and dry myself before anyone can catch a glimpse of my fish tail.

White sand burns the bottom of my feet as I run up back to the house.

"Where were you Soph?" Susan asks with fear striking her light blue orbs.
"I was just catching up with some old friends that I spotted on the road." I lie.

The thing I hate most about being a mermaid isn't the tail, it isn't the awesome powers, it isn't how alone I am most of the time, the thing I hate most of all is lying to my family and friends.

"No! I'm not going!" Kayla screams as she grips the side of the slippery table while her mother pulls her by the legs.
"Honey you don't get a choice today." Rebecca demands.
"Only if you let me bring my toys!" Kayla argues.
"Only 1 and don't loose it." Rebecca warns.

I still don't understand why Kayla still adores her toys, I love her enthusiasm but sometimes I'm worried that she'll forever favour her toys over homework, school, friends, boyfriends, etc. But I guess she is only 10 so it might just be a phase.

"Okay is everyone set to go to the beach?" my dad asks.
"I'm just going to go like this, maybe I'll bring a book. I don't plan on swimming." I confess.
"Why Soph?" he asks.
"Don't ask..." Mason says stepping inside.

I chuck him an over-enthused smile and grab a book. Mason carries his surfboard under his arm and we walk towards the beach.

"What has your family got in plan for tonight, being our last night?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"Camp out on the beach. Or going out to the island and camp out there."
"What island?" I ask.
"Mako Island."

A/N Mako Island isn't owned by me, credits to H2O and Mako Mermaids.


No one else questioned me about not swimming and just accepted me staying on the beach and reading. Tonight is soon and the parents decided to camp out on Mako.

"Okay we think that we should head out soon, grab some spare clothes and whatever else you need with you, us parents will grab the tents and get the boat ready, but we are going to have to do 2 trips." George says, us kids nod our heads.

We race back to the house, Isabella wins. Grabbing our belongings, we go out to the dock and play I Spot With My Little Eye while we wait for the parents.

After a few minutes of waiting we see them carrying 3 small tents. This boat ride is going to frustrating to fend off the water, I'm going to have to concentrated in order to use my powers to keep the water off me as secret as possible.

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