Chapter 3

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I get to Mako Island safely without transforming. Since we did two trips on the boat I was on trip 2 with: Mason, Isabella, Kayla, myself and my dad (Robert). The three tents are nearly set up.

Here's how the tents will go: Kayla, George and Rebecca (Rebecca and George are Mason, Isabella and Kayla's parents) in tent one & George, Susan and Lilly (George is Lilly and Sophia's dad and Susan is their step-mum) in tent two & Mason, Isabella and myself in tent three however the parents said they'll be checking in the tent every hour.

We put in the pillows, sleeping bags and mattresses in each tent then get the fire started. It's quarter to 6 so it's getting dark.

"So what are we going to play?" Lilly asks.
"Go ask Dad when we're having marshmallows then we will decide." I say.

She runs off and Mason, Bella and I look at each other then as if we read each other's mind run inland amongst the trees to hide from Lilly.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Isabella whispers as we jump over the tree roots. We run until we reach a water trickle in what I would guess to be the middle of the island.
"Watch yourselves." I warn as we jump from rock to rock.

I turn around and see Lilly in the trees, she hasn't spotted us yet. "Run, run, run." I whisper pushing them forward. We all stumble down into a hole between the rocks. The hole lead to a cave.

"We need to get out, there could be snakes or dangerous spiders down here!" Isabella whispers. Mason attempts to climb up but its too steep so he just slides right down.
"I say we explore up them stairs." I say curiously.
"Fine, let's go. Bella you call out to Lilly so she can help us." Mason instructs and she nods.

We grope the sides of the wall because of how dark it is. I hear sounds of lapping water and ask Mason to go first, just in case I fall in. We go inside and it looks to be like the inside of volcano, except there's a tiny pool leading to what I predict to be the ocean.

"Bella?" we hear Lilly shout.
"Down here!" Isabella shouts back.
"We should go back to Bella." Mason says and I nod.

"Here! I'm at the entrance, I'll pull you up." Lilly shouts from above the steep hole.

I stand on Isabella's hands holding me up so I can reach Lilly. She pulls me up and so Isabella stands on Mason's hands so she can reach.

"How are you going to get up?" I call back to Mason. He shrugs.
"How about we make a human chain, Lilly you can be the one to grab him since you're lightest so it'll be easier to pull you both up." Bella claims and we all nod.

We successfully get Mason out and race back to the campsite facing the beach.

"That place was awesome! I say we check it out after school or something." Isabella exclaims with excitement.
"How are we going to get there? We don't have a boat." Lilly says, pointing out the clear obvious.
"Trust me, I know how to get there." Mason says butting in.

"Okay kids time for bed!" Susan demands.

We all nod and walk towards our tents. In my tent was Isabella and Mason. We chatted about the mysterious cave we fell into. I wonder if Grandma knows about it? She's a mermaid like me so if she does I'm going to have to make sure they never go to it again, but for now I'm going to have to wait for tomorrow when we go home.

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