Chapter 15- New Visitor

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Chapter 15_


Kasper's P>O>V


There were so many coffins, which one was Ruby. I hate this! Why can't i just be with my mate?!

"Kasper" I heard a whisper. 

"Who is there?"

"We mustn't waste time. We will meet very soon but right now you must find your mate"


"Her coffin isn't here but in the sea of Misery"

"Like deep under the sea" I gulped. 

"Its the only way to save her"

"Where is this Sea of Misery?" 

"South of this flower bed, but first save Rena" the voice disappeared. 

I sprinted off to where i had last seen Rena. It must be Jasper. I saw Rena standing with her back to me, I yelled for her name but she did not answer. Jasper stepped out from in front of her. 

"You!" I charged forward. 

He just grinned then vanished. Rena continued to stand there, i walked towards her. Each time i called her name she didn't answer but continued to stand there. I frowned and grabbed her shoulder. She fell backwards into my arm, her hair blinding my view. I blew away the strands and saw a knife pierced into her stomach. It wasn't just a knife but a large sword. I gasped. She was still and her heart did not beat. Ruby's features melted away from her face and she looked the true Rena.

Tears fell from my eyes and i laid her on the grass next to me. 

"Why?" I said looking at the dark clouds above. 

"You don't have time for this" a voice like Rena said. 

A ghost appeared. 

"Rena, why did you leave me?" I said sobbing.

"Because I loved you so very much and i tried to protect you but i failed. Forgive me" she said a tear falling. 

"I am sorry-"

"I know you love Ruby. Anyway, i will come back. You owe me a McDonalds Milkshake, now go find your mate" she said vanishing. 

Two Ghosts. Two Deaths. And one sick bastard.

I need to find Ruby before Jasper really kills her.

I headed towards the body of water south of the field like the voice said and saw four figure dancing and swimming. The water was a deep blue with tint of red. Was one of them bleeding?! I ran towards them.

"Are you alright?"

"How strange" one of them said.

"Who are you?" another said. 

"Sure smells delicious" another said. 

"My name is Kasper" I said observing there odd behavior. 

"My name is Monica" the red-haired girl said.

Monica seemed around my age with long crimson red hair. Her eyes were a piercing blue which caught me off guard a bit. 

"My name is Candy" the blue-haired girl said.

She was the one who said 'How Strange'. She was short with short cut blue hair and bright pink eyes kind of like Cotton Candy. 

"My name is Harper" the green-hair girl said licking her lips,"So delicious"

She was the same hieght as Candy but with green eyes and choclate brown eyes. 

"And my name is Polly" the black haired girl said.

She reeked of death. Her eyes and hair were pitch black. 

"I need to get to the bottom of that sea" I said bluntly. 

"The water is very dangerous" Candy said holding onto my arms. 

"Its so cold you will need warmth" Harper said grabbing my other arm. 

"You will need us" Monica said jumping on my back. 

I almost fell forward.

"whether you like it or not" Polly said kissing me on my check.

"Get Off!!" i growled. 

Every second i waste the longer it will til i see RUBY! 

"But why?" they all said in unison. 

"Because Ruby is at the bottom of that sea, i need to get there!" I yelled.

They flinched and let out a light whimper before getting up. 

"We are sorry" they said. 

"Just get me to the bottom of that ocean" i snarled.

"Okay, girls" polly said smirking. 

They shoved a little ball into my mouth then dove into the water, dragging me by surprise. Their legs changed into long scaly tails. I gasped, i started to choke until i realized that i could breath. The girls laughed. 

"Let's go lover boy" Monica said pulling me closer to the bottom. 

I saw a sparkling long box. That had to be the coffin! 

"Why are you openly helping me? I mean i yelled at you and you are Sirens" 

"Because Lover Boy anyone who resists our spell, deserves one wish. It's our duty as Sirens" Harper said giggling. 

Ruby I am coming.................................................................




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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