Chapter 13- Escaping Death

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Chapter 13

Ruby's P.O.V

The silver chains wrapped around my body like thread around a spindle. They dug into my body causing me to bleed slowly. I don't understand why I don't die. I want to die so much!

"Are you weeping? so sad" Kannon bitterly laughed.

"Why?" I croaked.

"My brother Kasper can never live a happy life, he tricked my sister Lux. Kasper killed me and blamed it on her. she hasn't been the same since. She brought back our mum, she is dangerous and manipulative" he said messing with his key.

"I wanna die" I said as he tightens the chains.

"No can do the Devil has put out an order saying you may not be killed for 100 years" he said crouching down next to me.

"Are you serious?" I said banging my head against the wall.

Figures my luck. I blowed the hair from my face and he suddenly let the chains go. I slowly peeled the chain from my skin as he pulled out handcuffs. He pulled my body up but I was too weak to walk. He carried me in bridal style as we walked into a beautiful house. How can he have such a scary basement in this beautiful house. My stomach rumbles loudly like a howling wolf. He chuckled making me raise a brow, Why was he nice all of the sudden?

"Marce!" he yelled setting me down in a bedroom.

"Here" she said running in the room frantically.

"Clean Mrs. Ruby up for dinner" he said leaving.

After he leaves Marce's smile fades and she gives me a sympathetic look. she guides me to the bathroom, holding me close to her. she helped peel off what clothes that remained. I slowly slid into the porcelain white tub with the help of Marce.

"What's wrong?" I finally spoke up.

"He's going to rape you and wed you" she said flatly.

My jaw clenched at the thought.

"Why do you still work here then?" I said as she scrubbed my back.

"He is my mate, to leave him is shunned upon in this world"

"World, where are we" I said as she moves to my arms.

"There are five worlds, We are on Mystisha, the land of the dark. you've already been to Latinella, land of light" she said looking into my eyes.

"Interesting" I said standing up from my bath.

My body began to relax and I weakly pulled the towel around me. I have been through so much, but why? what use could the devil want with me?

I looked in the mirror and looked at the chain scars all over my body. Marce put her hand on my right arm and my wound healed.

"Your a healer"

"Yes" she said healing the rest of my body.

"Do you love him?" I said quietly.

"Ye-" she stopped.

I turned my head to see her rolling on the floor. her arms around her knees. her eyes were full of pain and fear. I knew what was wrong, he was having sex with another woman.

"How long has this been happening?" I said slowly crouching down so I don't completely fall over.

"Ten years" she said weeping into my shoulder.

"I will help you but I need to know when the wolfsbane ends in my system"

"Ten minutes, I'm supposed to give you more during dinner"

"I was rejected twice, I'll help you and train you" I muttered into her ear.

She smiled and left to get me clothes. this is my way out and once I get there I will talk to the devil...


My heart was pounding into my ears. I ran and found a kitchen. I rampaged the drawers and grabbed a large knife.

"What are you-" my mother stopped and screamed as I stabbed myself. blood filled the floor but then my wounds began to heal. why?

"What the fuck?!" I growled.

I kept stabbing myself and kept healing!

"What are you doing?" Lux growled.

"I'm trying to kill myself!"

"Stupid ass, you have a date in five minutes!"

"No I have to kill myself"

"What about Anastasia?"

"How? oh shit" I said.

"Drink this" my mother handed

Me a cup.

I drank it in one gulp. my brain began to feel a little fuzzy.

"Do you know a Ruby?"

"Who's that?" I said feeling confused.

"Who do you love"

"Anastasia" I said with one word.


I watched as Kasper's evil mom made him drink some kind of poison. I need to find Ruby and quick!


Sorry for not updating


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