Chapter Ten: Unveiled

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Alexis walked in a restaurant, a crisply suited man walking three steps behind her.

"Table for two, Ma'am?" a waitress promptly asked.

Alexis smiled, "I have a reservation, actually. Under Elizabeth Natividad."

"Oh, right this way, Ma'am," the waitress said as she led Alexis and her companion to a private room.

"Lex!" Elizabeth stood up when she saw Alexis enter the room. The two of them briefly hugged.

Before they sat down, the suited man with Alexis turned to her and said, "I'll just be outside the door, Miss Alexis."

"Okay, Ric," Alexis said before the man and waitress left the room.

"Who was that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Ric, my new bodyguard," Alexis answered. Ric was actually fairly young, only three years older than Alexis. He was personally hand-picked by Wolf as not only was Ric trained in combat and defense, he was also a trained paramedic. Besides, Alexis felt at ease around him. He had this big brother vibe and she got along well with him quickly.

"Oh," Elizabeth said. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I just ate. You?"

"Uh-huh. So what's up, Lex? You need anything?"

"Actually, I just wanted to give you this," Alexis handed her a brown envelope. Elizabeth opened it and scanned the document.

"A relationship contract?" Elizabeth asked.

Alexis nodded, "For you and Chris. As a future lawyer, I feel like this is necessary if your relationship is, as you say, strictly business. You can add or delete anything in there if need be."

"I mean... yeah, you're right... but... I don't think Chris means any harm, you know."

"Look, Liz. I trust you. But I don't know Chris. And frankly, neither do you. Although Ria says he's a nice guy, but as your bestfriend, I just want you to cover all bases. I want you safe. That contract even has a non-disclosure clause in there so that whatever happens, you'll have the law on your side, right?"

Elizabeth stared at the contract, "I guess."

"You two can go over it and if there's anything you want revised, just call me, okay?"

"Lex... you really think a contract is necessary?"

"Yes. If this wasn't Chris who was once head over heels in love with Ria, then maybe there wouldn't be a need for this, Liz. But... he just has too much history with Ria and John that I think this much at least is necessary. I can't stop you if you really want to have this pretend relationship with him but I can at least help you. Besides, don't you think this'll at least also put John at ease a little when you tell him."

Elizabeth sighed, "I see your point. I... I'll talk to Chris about this."

"Good," Alexis placed her hand on Elizabeth's arm and lightly squeezed in assurance. "Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I won't keep you since I know you still have somewhere you need to be."

They both stood up and Elizabeth gave Alexis a hug, "Thank you, Lex. For always having my back."

"Of course," Alexis smiled. "Have fun later."

Elizabeth left but Alexis stayed and sat comfortably on the lush chair.

She heard the door open, "Miss Alexis?"


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just... resting a bit."

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