Chapter Eight: Déjà vu

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"Chill the hell out, bro!" Wolf said as he panted. He was sweating a lot, as he slumped back on the floor of the ring where he and John were just sparring. It was just supposed to be a workout but John was so stressed about Chris' return that he unintentionally jabbed Wolf hard.

"I'm not Chris so chill out," Wolf said. He remained seated on the floor, lest John started jabbing at him again.

"Shit, sorry," John said. He removed his gloves and held them out to help Wolf up. "I was just –"

"Pissed. Yeah, my ribs felt that. I understand that much but hell, I wasn't ready for that punch in the gut."

"Don't tell Alex."

Wolf laughed, "Scared my wife will beat you back for that punch?"

"Want me to punch you one more time?"

"Whatever, bro."

Both of them walked back to the locker room. It was John who asked Wolf to come with him to the boxing gym because he wanted to release the pent up anger he had from seeing Chris yesterday. Both him and Chandria were quiet on their ride home last night and they even both hardly said anything about it when they got home as they both clearly avoided the subject. But that didn't mean that John wasn't pissed as hell about Chris' reappearance and his annoyance that Elizabeth was associating herself with him.

Wolf immediately checked his phone while John dejectedly sat on a bench after wiping the sweat off his face with a towel.

"Fuck, thought this might release some of my anger but now I feel angry and tired," John complained.

"And I'm hungry. Alexis texted me and said that the three of them are going out. So let's go over at Dad's and bug Tita to cook for us. I miss her homecooking."

"Where are they going?" John asked, frowning.

"Shopping. And come on, John. You think Cha's that insensitive that she'd go see Chris without even asking you?"

"I didn't' –"

"But I can tell that's what you were thinking. Piece of advice, bro. Marriage is all about trust so work on that."

"Easy for you to say. Alex doesn't have a fucking childhood friend who's in love with her and who tried to steal her from you."

"Thank God for little blessings," Wolf grinned.

"Being with you is agitating me even more. Why the hell did I even ask you to go here with me?"

"Too late. You're even about to spend some more time with me 'cause we're having dinner with Dad and your Mom. Tita just replied and she said okay."

"Screw you. I'm going home."

"Oh come on, John. It's not as if Cha's at your house when you get there. You know how those three are when they're out shopping. You'll just end up wallowing in self-pity for a long time."

John didn't reply as he remained seated.

"If you come with, I'll even consider asking you to be the godfather of my kid."

John scoffed, "As if Alex wasn't going to ask me to be the little tyke's godfather in the first place."

"Hey, that kid's half-mine too! I get to have a say who becomes the godfather."

"Why the hell are you so annoying, Wolf?"

"It's payback for all those years you annoyed me and Alexis. I'm gonna shower so you better cool it, John. Unless you want me to let slip to Tita about this."

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