T H I R T Y - T W O

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(So the plan for the next few chapters is how it's going to go for Chen and Xiumin throughout the pregnancy like we'll see the first month then the next month and so on <3 just so you won't get confused (><) )

Chen's POV

1 month, December

Everything seemed to go fine. The pregnancy was going alright; my mum and I had gone out to buy baby clothes and all the necessities. Xiumin and my dad had thought that it would be too early for that since it was only the first month. My mom and I looked at each other wide eyed and stared back at them again saying "it's never too early to look at baby clothes". My dad had huffed and rolled his eyes while chuckling and went into the living room. Xiumin was so excited and when we came home he rushed over to us to see what we had bought. He giggled at the small shoes and shirts.

The baby bump had yet to show though and I couldn't wait for that.

A few weeks later I found that I got a special craving for oranges. Xiumin would look at me weirdly whenever I had eaten like 3 oranges in a row. I would chuckle at him with my mouth full of oranges.

2 month, January

The first minimal signs of the baby bump had shown and Xiumin squealed. Sometimes his excitement would get on my nerves. He would always hug me and tell me how amazing I was and that I'm such a good mother. It's really cute actually, but it got annoying after 1 and a half months.

Mom would make me special meals to make sure I ate healthy to keep the baby safe. I wasn't allowed to be around, let alone smell, cigarettes and I couldn't listen to loud music because that might make the baby uncomfortable.

I was getting really annoyed at how people nurses me like I was a 5 year old kid. Of course the baby's health came above all else but this is too much.

3 month, February

Now the baby bump was visible and my clothes was starting to get too tight for me.

We had called the doctor to ask when the right time would be to check what gender of the baby is and to check if the baby was alright. He had said that next month would be a good time since then the baby has had a long time to grow big.

"I'm so excited! We should discuss baby names!" Xiumin said and grabbed my arms looking into my eyes with happiness. My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Yes! Lets!" We sat down and wrote down on two pieces of paper all the names we would like for our baby to be named. One for if it's a girl and another for if it's a boy.

4-5 months, March-April

It took us a long time to figure out the name for the baby. The girl's name we both agreed on easily. She would be named Isabella. Because then we could call Bella which means beautiful in Spanish.

For the boy we both had one name each. Xiumin would want Mark and I Taeil. They were both really good and cute names, so it was hard.

One day when I was in the kitchen peeling an orange I stared outside and thought about what would fit best for boy name. I imagined in my head a little baby boy running in the garden giggling and I would yell his name. By imagining it this way I found out that Mark would be the best one.

I giggled and put down the orange. I laid my hand on my baby bump and smiled. I didn't mind what gender the baby would be. I would give the baby all the love I had in my heart. The baby had become such a big part of in such a few months and imagining the baby in my arms might me so happy tears started to form.

I felt two arms being wrapped around my waist and Xiumin laid his head on my shoulder and put is hands on mine. He swayed us from side to side.

The boys had called us secretly one to check if we were doing okay. I was so happy they did, but it made a pang of pain erupt in my heart and I cried once we hung up.

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We had went to the doctors house and we found out that the baby is a little boy. Xiumin and I smiled happily at each other and he kissed me on the cheek, happy tears forming in his eyes.

"Our little Mark," Xiumin had said and caressed my baby bump. Silent tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks. This was so perfect. Everything was so perfect.

If just the boys could see us, be with us and share the happiness with us.

6 months, May

3 months to go. It was getting difficult to move around now, walking had become a difficulty as well. I couldn't give Xiumin proper hugs anymore due to the bump on my stomach. My back was hurting and most of the time I was just laying on the sofa with tons of pillows stacked behind my back, supporting me.

I was set to give birth sometime between July and August and I was both excited and anxious. I couldn't wait with having little Mark in my arms, but losing the baby bump made me sad, because I had gotten used to it being there, being a part of me.

To pass time my mom and I had gone out shopping for groceries or looking at baby clothes. Now that we knew the gender, there would be a lot more reason to go out and buy clothes.

Xiumin tagged along as well and he would pick out every tiny baby clothes, whining at how cute and small they were. I would agree giggling and we would go around, filling the basket with tons of toys and clothes for little Mark. 

Honestly these past 6 months had been great. Despite not being able to be together with the boys had made it the worse 6 months. I had so many things I wanted to share with them. Like how I wanted to tell Kai that I had found a baby shirt with a bear on it eating small leaves and how I wanted to show Lay that I had found a unicorn plush toy together with a deer plush toy hugging each other.

All these things made me recall all the memories we had made together. They should've been a part of this moment in mine and Xiumin's lives. They're Mark's uncles. I began crying once more and I felt my heart clenching all over again.

All these mood swings. It's probably the downside of being pregnant.

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*cries* the name is revealed. It's little Mark and yes Mark from NCT hahah x)

The last 3 months will come in the next chapter :3 or else this chapter would have been too long lmao haha

Please vote, comment and share this story.. I'd be forever grateful <3

Love you all and just wait for the next chapter 8) I can't wait with writing it actually haha

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