Let the Good Times Roll

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Be the person,

who stays


even when you have

every right

to break down


The memory changed.

The North American siblings were all at an ice skating rink in Canada's house. The Canadian provinces, states, cities, and terriotires ran to the ice and started skating. The northern America states and cities and Hawaii and Honolulu went to join them.

America looked at the ones who went to sit on the blechers, "Come on guys,"

"No thanks Al." Veracruz said.

America and Canada just shrugged and stepped on the ice before skating along with their younger siblings.

They looked at the Mexicos who were about to go to the blechers, "Aren't you guys coming?"

"Nope," They both said.

The older twins skated to them, "Come on guys," America said, "Give it a try."

They quickly shook their heads.

America smirked, "Hey Hawaii, don't you want Mar and D and them," he pointed to the cities, states, and terriotries on the bleachers, "To come skate with us?"

"Yeah!!" she innocently smiled.

The Mexicos and the siblings on the bleachers glared at their brother who was grinning. He had asked one of the youngest of them all which means they had to come.

"Dang it Al!!!" Detroit and Mexico City both yelled at the same time.

Lousiana was cussing him out in French.

France and nations who understood French all gasped at that.

Some of the Mexican states and cities, Colorado, Texas, and West Virginia were flipping him off.

Everyone who wasn't on the ice all got up put some skates on and got on. A few of them like Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia started to skate since they knew how to. But others were falling as soon as they got onto the ice causing the ones that could skate have to help them.

"I swear hermano if you make me fall I will send Chupacarba on your ass," Diego warned Canada.

"I'm pretty sure he has better things to do than come after me for leting you fall while trying to teach you how to ice skate."

While Diego was threatening Canada, Maria was clinging onto Alfred for dear life.

"Mar, I promise I won't let you fall."

Maria still wasn't budging.

America took her hands and pushed her back a bit so she wasn't clinging onto him and there was a little distance between them.

"Okay, Mar, it's just push, push, glide."  A started to skate a bit.

Maria tried to copy him, but as she tried to, she started to go down and started to scream, America quickly caught her before she hit the ground, "See baby sis, I promised I wouldn't let you fall."

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