The Spanish American War, The Great Depression, And Pearl Harbor

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When people hurt you over and  over,
think of them sandpaper,
they may scratch and
hurt you a bit, 
but in the end
you end up
polished and they end up


The memory changed and a new one started to form.

America looked extremely pissed as he walked down a hallway to a meeting room.

Oh no.

America frowned, this was before the Spanish American War.

America walked to a door and walked in a room to see a pissed Spain.

"Spain," he said angrily.

"America," he replied.

Spain frowned, he remembered this.

Soon he and America would go to war and Cuba and Philippines would get their independence.

And leave him. 

"Lets cut to the chase, Espana," he spat, "Why the Hell did you blow up the Battleship Maine?" 

"For the last time you estúpido americano,"  Spain spat, "My people did not blow it up."

"250 men died!! Damn it!!!"

"Look, you Americans are just looking for someone to put the blame on!! You can't find a reason why the boat sunk so your putting it on my country!!!"

"Uhh guys," Hong Kong started, "What's happening?"

Neither of the two really wanted to explain, but America decided to, "One of my battleships sunk and my people and I thought it was Spain who did it." he sighed, "Mostly because there was a newspaper going around saying that it was Spain which caused many people to believe it," he sighed again and looked at Spain with an apologetic look, "Including me. This caused an uproar and the press exaggerated it. But a lot of historians having been looking back, and in 1974, Admiral Hyman George Rickover had his staff look at the documents and decided there was an internal explosion. I'm so sorry Spain, the media and the newspaper and the things going on with Cuba and the Philippines made everyone believe your country did it. And you don't have to forgive me but just know I'm so sorry."

Spain smiled at his son and nodded, "I'm sorry for calling you a stupid American,"

"Well, I did deserve it."

"Well it's in the past now."

America smiled and nodded.

They turned back to the memory.

"Stop trying to cover it up!!! And while we're at it, how about you give Cuba and Philippines their independence!!!"

"This talk has nothing to do with that!! You and your people show mind your own bussiness damn it!!!"

"Let them go Spain, they want their freedom!!!"

"America mijo-"

"Don't 'mijo' me!!! I was never your son!!"

This took Spain back a bit, "America, I don't want to go to war with you but if it's going to be like this then I won't hesitate to put you in your place!!!"

America scoffed and shook his head, "Goodbye Spain," he walked out.

"I din't raise you like this," he shook his head.

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