Mexico and Mexica

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QOTC provided (by provided I mean commented) by Aph_Nyo_Romania

 It is your life,
       your choices,    
  not societies


America woke up and carefully got out of bed so he wouldn't wake up his brother.

The room had a shower and a closet. He opened the closet, there were alot of clothes.

"Looks like Mama thought of everything," he quietly said to himself. America quickly took a shower and changed his clothes. When he walked backed into the room he saw that his twin wasn't there and guessed that he got up to go get dressed for the day.

America looked at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath before walking out the door.

He headed downstairs and looked around, he was the only one there.

"Maybe I should make breakfast," he said to himself and got up to head for the kitchen.

He made bacon, eggs, and started to make foods from other countries since he thought that it would make them happy to see something from their culture.

Canada came down, "Only one here I see,"

"Yep," America nodded.

"Well I'm not surprised since you always have been an early bird." He started to make some pancakes.

When they finished, they set all the food on the table, and America went to sit on the couch.

"Uhh Al, aren't you gonna eat something?" Canada asked as he got a plate for himself and his brother a plate.

He knew about America's purging and him, the Mexicos, and there cousins were helping him through it. He was still really skinny but at least he was getting better, they had helped him through the cutting and depression too.

He was getting better, but with all the insults that America went through on a daily basis.

He was terrified of his brother relapsing.

"I'm not that hungry Mattie." 

"Which means your a little hungry, I already have two pancakes and some eggs on your plate."

"Fine," America got up from the couch and walked over to the table. He sat at the table and quietly ate the food.

He felt the tears form in his eyes as he thought about last night when cried himself to sleep.

Did they even care when they abandoned him?

He knew Spain and France didn't care since they didn't even try to stop it.

England was the one who actually left him all alone.

But still they all did it.

And it hurt.

"Al what's wrong?"

America let the tears fall as he looked up at his brother, "Mattie you wouldn't leave me, right? I mean I know I'm fat and a pi-"

"No your not." Canada said firmly, "Al, you know the things they call you aren't true, at all. And of course not. I would never ever leave you, none of us ever would."

"They didn't care when they did, they didn't care at all." America started to sob and Canada pulled his brother to his chest.

He frowned and was heartbroken at just hearing America's sobs.

Strong, Truly StrongOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora