New Siblings

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A Strong Person is
not the one who
doesn't cry.
A Strong Person is
the one who cries &
sheds tears for a
moment, the gets
up and fights again.


Just like last time, America and Canada had woken up early and made breakfast.

"Hey Mattie, do you ever wish that we weren't colonized ever?" America asked as he ate some eggs and bacon.

Canada nodded, "All the time."

"I wonder how our countries would have turned out."

"Well for starters, the British Empire mostly likely would rule the world since there would have been no American Revolution."

"Woah, I never though of that."

"I am so glad you won the war."

"Me too, or else if I lost, who knows what would have happened?"

"You would have probably been forced back to London and grounded for 3 years," A voice said, they turned around to see Maria and Argentina walking towards the table.

"Yeah, that sounds about correct but I would say you would have been grounded for maybe......10 years. And if you tried to get your independence again, England wouldn't have taken you seriously." Argentina said, getting some eggs.

"True," America said.

They all sat in silence as they ate, Diego and the rest of South America walked downstairs

The other countries soon came down, when they finished eating, they went back to the memories.

The colonies were once again alone in the house talking to each other. All of a sudden the door opened, they turned to see their parents walk in with loads of paperwork in their arms. 

"Yay, your back!!!!" They all said running to them.

The men put the paperwork down and hugged their children and kissed their foreheads.

"Bonjour chers, yes we're finally back, and we have much paperwork to do," France said as he picked up Canada.

The colonies' eyes widened, more paperwork?

Their parents were completely consumed in paperwork and meetings before they left for over a month and a few weeks, and now they were doing more paperwork?

"You have more paperwork to do?" America asked sadly.

They all nodded, the colonies all sighed.

France put Canada down and the three men grabbed their work, North America sadly watched as their parents walked down the hallway to their offices.

They knew that they weren't coming out for a long time. 

The memory changed and it was now night. 

France, England, and Spain still weren't out of their offices.

"Their probably going to stay in there all night," Mexico said sadly.

"Why are they so busy?" Mexica asked the older twins. 

America sighed, "I don't know, but I wish they weren't so busy."

The children all sighed and the older twins went to make dinner, when they were done, they cleaned up and went upstairs for bed. 

The countries watched in sadness as more memories passed with North America being alone while England, France, and Spain went out to meetings and stayed in their offices and did paperwork.

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