(The Sad) Life of Colonization

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Don't worry
about those
who talk
behind your back
they're behind
you for a reason.


England and France walked into their house with their new children in their arms. The boys started to look around the large house that actually looked like a mansion.

They set the twins down and watched and followed as they explored the house.

"This is so big," America said.

"How did it get so big?" Canada asked.

Both men laughed a little at the question, "It was built that way." England answered.

The boys started into walk through a hallway, "What's that?" America asked pointing to England's flag that was hanging up.

"That's a flag, my flag actually. It represents a country."

"What about our flags? Do we have one?" Canada asked.

"You will soon, one to represent America and one for Canada." France answered.

The boys continued to explore the house, they went upstairs.

"Would you two like to see you rooms?" England asked.

"We have rooms?" Canada asked.

"Of course," He led them to some rooms that had toys in them.

"Can we sleep in the same room?" America asked.

"If you want."

"Would you two like some crepes?" France asked.

"Yes!!!" they said excitedly.

They had tried crepes while on the ship to London and instantly loved it.

"Can we help you make them?" Canada asked once they got down to the kitchen.

"Of course you can."

As they made the crepes, they also had an all out flour war, after that, France and England read the boys stories before they peacefully went to sleep.

As countries smiled at the memory, America and Canada frowned.

Sure that was a nice day, but it was only about a week or two later before France and England became consumed with paperwork, meetings, and started to leave them for months.

The memory changed. 

(This takes place 8 days after)

The boys were playing together with their toys together, they noticed France and England rushing around and looked at each other.

"Daddy, Papa? What are you doing?" America asked.

"We have to attend a meeting soon poppet."

"Can we play together when you come back?" Canada asked.

"Of course we can mon fils," 

"Do you promise?"

"We do," They both said.

They walked to the boys and kissed their foreheads, "We'll be back soon loves and then we can play together." And with that, they rushed out.

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