Bye bye Big Sis.........Hello Strangers

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If you can't fly then run,
if you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl,
but whatever you do,
you have to
keep moving forward.

          ~Martin Luther King, Jr


A next memory formed.

The siblings were running after something, it looked like a person, a man

The man swung his arm at Mexico, causing the boy to fly back.

"How did he do that?" Israel asked.

"He was an evil spirit." Mexica said

Kanta, and Vinland got in front of him. They surrounded him.

Maska and Kumaijiro were nearby digging up something, that looked like bones.

The spirit was all of a sudden behind them, Mexcia threw something that looked like iron at him causing him to disappear.

Maska used his fire magic and lit the bones on fire.

The man appeared again, fire started to come over him, he screamed.

The fire started to get bigger, and all of a sudden it along with the spirit disappeared.

"Good job guys," Vinland told them.

The nations were pretty much in shock.

At what they just watched and that North America were able to take down an evil spirit at such young ages.

The memory changed and showed the siblings back at their hut.

Vinland looked pretty sad as she watched her siblings sleep.

North America all sighed.

That day was her time to go.

Vinland looked down at her wolf, "I really have to tell them, huh?"

The wolf nodded.

She looked back at her sleeping siblings, "I don't want to leave them all alone, but I have to go."  she sighed,"Their strong," She started to smiled and laugh a little, "And tough, I know they'll be okay."

She looked back down at the wolf, "It's almost time."

She gently shook her siblings to wake them up, "I have to tell you all something important." she said once they all woke up.

They all knew something was wrong by the tone of her voice.

And their mother had said the same thing to them when she was about to fade away.

"Are you going away like Mama?" Mexica asked with a shaking voice.

Vinland opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"You are?" Mexico asked sadly.

"It's my time."

The tears started to fall.

"It's not fair!!!" The Mexicos cried running to their sister.

"I know, it's not. I wish I didn't have to go." she hugged them both, she turned to the older twins, "Maska, Kanta, are you two okay?"

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