Big Sister Vinland

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QOTC (Quote of the chapter):

the strongest among us
are the ones who
smile through slient pain,
cry behind closed doors,
and fight battles nobody
knows about.

~Unknown Author


The next memory showed the twins with a teenage girl, who looked about 14, she had a bow and arrows on her back.

"Who's that?" England asked.

"Our big sister," Maria answered, tears started to form in North America's eyes as they thought about their older sister, who was like another mother to them after their mother faded. 

"Big sister!?!" Most of the countries yelled out.

They all nodded, "Yeah we had alot of big sisters and brothers, in fact, the four of us are the  youngest, that's Vinland." Diego said.

The Nordics gasped, "Vinland!?!" Finland exclaimed, "Is she still around?"

"No,"Canada sadly said, "She faded,"

"Oh," The Nordics facial expresions started to turn a bit sadder.

They all turned back to the memory.

Vinaland gave both the twins a bow and arrow, Kumaijiaro, a wolf, and Native America were watching them.

She stuck a piece of animal skin with sap on three trees each, "Okay runts" She said calling them the nickname she gave them for being mischevieous at times,"Watch and learn."

"Okay Big Sis!!" they both said cheerfully.

"First, plant you feet on the ground steady and stand up straight" She stomped her feet on the ground and stood up straight.

The twins did the same thing, Maska puffed up his chest.

A few nations squealed at how adorable they looked.

"Next, postion the arrow," She put the bow and arrow into shooting postion.

The twins started to struggle with that a bit but got the hang of it.

"Then, you pull it back."

The twins started to pull as hard as they could.

"But!! Not to hard." she said turning to the two a bit, as if she already knew that they were pulling to hard.

"Oh," They both said, and relaxed their grip.

"After that, you aim for your target." she pointed the arrow at the animal skin on the tree.

The twins followed suit.

"And then strike," she let go of the arrow , and it hit the animal skin right in the middle of it.

"Woah," Both twins said.

Maska let his arrow go and it struck over the target, Kanta let his go and it struck right next to the target but not on it.

"You need to aim for your target a bit better," Vinland said, she gave the twins two more arrows. They went back into positon and pull the arrow back, she went behind Maska and steadied his arrow before doing the same to Kanta.

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