The Thoughts In The Dark...

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                          Chapter 17
"I was trapped in the pitch black dark there's no where to run and there's no where to hide I thought to myself. 'I stood up but I couldn't I felt like I was floating, and I was stuck in one place I couldn't see anything and it was getting harder for me to breath, I tired to open my eyes but it was no use it was like something was blocking my vision I tried to scream out for help, but all that came out or I should say came in was salt water, was I in the ocean I though to myself? 'I shake my head no i replied that can't be possible I'm in a motherfucking  dungeon for crying out loud how did I came form there to here! 'As I started to finally relax laughter swarm around me, I started to panic and that cause me to sink deeper into the ocean, "I screamed and screamed but no one answer "help! I yelled but there was still no answer as I started to take my fate I felt a hard slap across my face and that when I jolted up form my dream. (Dream Ends)  "Wake up you stupid as bitch it's time for you punishment next time you'll think twice about lying to me! 'When my eyes finally adjusted to the dim light I looked around to see I was still in the basement it was just a dream I though so then why they it felt so real! "Because it's a warning someone said into my head, I Shaked my head and said I think I'm going crazy but before I can even say a word to him there was a hard slap across my face and the words let the punishment begin.

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