Chapter 19

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Will and Epps had to make a quick brief stop at a desolate Radio Shack and Lennox grabbed a couple of ancient looking hand radios. I frowned at that, but tried to keep calm and focused as we traveled a little farther into the city, getting more than a few strange looks at our procession.

I slammed forward a bit when Blue came to a sudden stop and saw a jet fly by above us. My frown deepened as red flags began going up. "That doesn't make sense, why would it be coming towards us and not shooting at Megatron?" I muttered before gently placing the All-spark next to me and open Blue' door.

I shove a slowing-walking Sam out of the way and running over to where Will and Robert stood, ignoring the honks of angry drivers who couldn't get past our road blockage. As I approached a plume of vibrant green smoke went up. That's not good.

"Raptor, raptor," Epps called into the dinosaur radio. "We have your visual. Green smoke is the mark."

"Aren't aircrafts supposed to stay above buildings?" I demanded as I came to a stop in front of them, tense, holding Q and Pax to my chest.

Both men looked at me and Lennox frowned while Epps looked back to the skies as the jet began to swing around. "Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction," Epps commanded the jet, though I could see an increasingly worried look in his eyes.

Silence came over the radio and Will and I held each other's gazes before I whipped around at the sound of transforming.

"It's Starscream!" Ironhide bellowed, rushing to his peds. My blood went cold as I processed what that phrase and Hide' actions meant. Screams echoed from civilians as they caught sight of the giant Weapons Specialist, but he ignored them.

"Do you copy that?" Epps pleaded into the radio.

Just as Ironhide began bellowing at everyone I spun to the stunned civilians. "Take cover! Don't stand there!" I yelled, waving my arms. "It's dangerous! Take cover!" More people began fleeing, screaming, and I turned to see Sam and Mikaela running for me while Ironhide and Bee lifted up a vacated moving truck. For a second, I could see the missile streaking right for us and I began moving towards Sam and Mikaela without realizing it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jazz, Ratchet, Blue and the other military personnel taking cover, but I couldn't think of doing the same. "Get down!" I screamed at the two.

Then the missile impacted.

My hands came up to my chest, holding Q and Pax close, as I found myself suddenly airborne flying backward. My mind couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. One second I was running towards Sam and Mikaela and the next the sky was spinning and I couldn't tell up from down. Hell, it took me a few seconds to realize that the pain I felt in my back and the inability to breathe suddenly was due to hitting the ground.

I lay there still, blinking up at the blue sky and the tall buildings that framed it. What had just happened? Why was I laying on my back? What was this ash stuff floating around in the air? Why were my ears ringing? Why couldn't I hear anything else? Why couldn't I breathe? Why am I bleeding?

My ears ring as I try to stand up in the fallen debris field from the missile.

"Sam?! Mikaela?!" I scream in the distance at the destruction going on around me, so many countless lives lost because of a battle that has been going on for eons. Who knew one missile from this Starscream could cause so much destruction? Who knew that a pair of glasses could all of this chaos.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now