Tell Me You Love Me

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I feel really crummy right now, but I'm still going to update because it will take my mind off of things. (DON'T READ THIS IN FRONT OF YOUR RELATIVES SOME PICSS)

Scarlett kisses her boyfriend awake as she lays on him. She groans when he hits her face ignoring her attempts to wake him up. The blonde girl begins to poke her boyfriend on his cheek and eyes. "Wake up, Lucasss!"

Luke sighs and sits up in his bed, she giggles and stands by the door. "Morning, beautiful." He rubs his eyes while yawning brightly. He sees a frown form on her face and she looks down. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Y-your ex called you. Luke, I don't feel comfortable with you talking to him. I feel he's trying to win you back. How can I compete with him?"

Luke shrugs and pulls on a shirt, "He can't I'm in love with you...deeply." He holds her cheeks and kisses her softly. "Let me get washed up."

After the blonde finishes his shower he heads up to college to attend class today. He gets out his last lecture for the day, and decides to go to the library to video chat Calum. They're not dating, but he still misses him a lot. He gets a small coffee and a brownie from the cafe, and sits down in a comfy chair.

Luke clears his throat and loads up FaceTime on his violet apple laptop. A few seconds of ringing and the ravenette finally answers it. As soon as he comes on he is sniffling while drinking hot tea. The blonde raises his eyebrows when he sees Calum wrapped in a huge blanket. "Hello."

Calum waves and looks behind him seeing his mom and dad about to leave. "Bye, mother." She kisses his forehead and doesn't spare a glance at Luke. When his parents leave, he drinks more of his tea and looks down at his phone. "I'm sick and I'm visiting my parents."

"I can see that, puppy." Luke chuckles while taking a sip of his black coffee. "So how are you?"

The sick boy sneezes multiple times, and grabs a tissue. "FUCK I HATE BEING FUCKING SICK, WHAT A SHITTY LIFE!"

"Language, puppy." Luke sternly looks at Cal. Calum rolls his eyes and tells him to stop calling him that. "Sorry, I'm so used to it."

"Thanks by the way for all that shit you did."


"Getting me home safe. You know Ashton told me all about it." Calum says with a stuffy voice, clearing his throat. "I sound like ass."

Luke tilts his head, "You sound fine. And, you're welcome...I had to." Calum smiles and stands up making Luke groan. "Cal- I'm in a public place please don't do anything crude."

He glares at the blonde through the video camera and shakes his head, "I'm just trying to show you my new outfit." Calum shows Luke his holographic jacket and loose shorts. "WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT LUKE CUTE WHEN YOU'RE SICK. SUCK THIS DIAK!" Calum thrusts his dick in the air making Luke giggle.

"Sit down, Cal." Luke orders him.

"Wanna see my nipples?" Calum flashes the blonde while putting it close to the screen.

"Imagine, if I was with my girlfriend right now, I'd get in trouble." Luke stares at Cal while he fixes his shirt and sits down with his heavy blanket. Calum sneezes multiple times again and blows his nose. "Aww. Go eat some soup or something, Princ-Calum."

The small boys waves his arms in the air moaning loudly, "I AM FIIINE! STOP WORRYIIING!"

"I'm not worrying."

"Whatever, hoe. Besides, Ashton is coming to check on me." Luke nods and tilts his head.

"You guys are becoming close, huh?" Luke licks his lips raising an eyebrow, "Not that I care or anything-"

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