4-Someone to Save You

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Chapter Four * Someone to Save You -
"I've reloaded the gun," your father said.
You could see him come into view in the small square of your house that you could see.
"Good," your mother said sadistically. "Now get her. Kill her."
You could hear the click of the bullet into the chamber, even from so far away.
"No!" you cried desperately to them. "No, please don't-don't kill me! I just...I don't..."
You peeked out the shattered window.
"No," you whispered hopelessly.
You placed a hand on the remains of the window. The hand happened to be the one that had the glass shards stuck in it, so the movement made you wince.
You left a bloody handprint on the long shard of window that had survived.
"Help!" you screamed again, growing frantic.
A bullet zinged by you in response.
Scared by the closeness of it, you pressed your medium-sized body to the wall.
Just then you saw police cars silently go down the street. They stopped directly in front of your house.
You didn't dare say anything. If they were here to save you they must want to catch your parents, too, and arrest them. They couldn't be seen or heard by your mother or father until it was too late for them to escape.
Police officers poured out; one pointed at you in surprise and worry.
You frantically put a hand on the large section of glass still in the window frame. Then you tried to send what you thought was a look of fright and horror to them.
They needed to be fast.
A man stepped out, took one glance at you, and started to direct his men to surround the house.
A younger person was behind the man. It was a man-a teenager?-with a mop of stunningly white hair. He peered up at you apathetically.
A fourth shot zipped by you.
You cried out in shock and whirled around.
That turn is what saved your life just then.
Instead of hitting your back and entering into your heart, as your father had intended, the fifth bullet entered your right shoulder, just under your collarbone.
Your red blood spattered on the remains of the window. Some of it trickled down the outside of the house as you thumped heavily backwards and onto the sharp edge, which sliced into your back.
With the bullet you'd had little time to react, but now, with the glass slowly and mercilessly cutting into you, you cried out in shock and pain.
You twisted to get the glass out of your back, and fully sank to the floor.
"Damn!" you heard your father curse. "How are we supposed to get her out?"
Your vision split in two, and you blearily saw the man and his new twin order the men about; they started to move much faster.
You became aware of a dull, thumping pain coming from your shoulder. Your back, on the other hand, stung like crazy.
Your vision swam like crazy, and you coughed. Lifting a hand to your mouth, you saw red. You whimpered helplessly.
Your vision slowly started darkening.
Your eyes searched hazily below you and saw people getting out a ladder; saw your neighbor talking urgently to an officer; saw the white-haired teen stare up at you expressionlessly.
You vaguely heard someone shouting at your parents to get down and put their hands in the air. A gunshot or two came after that.
Your vision shrank and darkened.
You coughed more blood, and some dribbled down your face.
Someone was climbing up on the ladder; climbing up to you, but you didn't focus on them or what they said.
Your gaze was fixed on the white-haired teenager until it went completely dark.
Then you felt nothing but an abrupt finality.

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