First day

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Saiges' (POV)

It's official, I got the job! I was so happy when Sam called last night. He told me it'd be best to start as soon as possible because his boss had an important client who was flying in from America and the meeting was held for next Thursday. I told him that I could start this Tuesday because I had to quit my job first.

So, today's Monday and here I am, on my way to quit. When I told Renée about the new job opportunity, she was stoked for me, but also depressed that I wouldn't be around anymore. I told her that I'd visit as much as I could and that we could have a girls day on Sunday, if she wanted and with a bright smile on her face, she agreed.

As I start walking home, I get a call from, Sam?

"What could he want?" I ask out loud.

"Hey, Sam."

"Hey Saige. I wanted to ask if you could meet me at the park near the elementary school?"

"Sure? I'm on my way." I say and hang up

Twenty minutes later

When I finally spot Sam at the park, I wave for him to notice me before I walk up to him, so I wouldn't be jump scaring him.

"Hey Sam!"

"Hi," He says waving back at me.

"So, what's up?" I ask and he gestures' for me to sit down.

"I wanted to ask you something." I nod for him to continue.

"Would you like to go to a gala with me?" he asks and I look stunned.

"Um, I'm sorry, but--" I try to deny him properly, but he cuts me off.

"Don't worry, I just said it like that to tease you. I already have a girlfriend, but she's visiting her mom."


"I'm still not making much sense, am I?" and I shake my head.

"Well, there's a gala on Friday and since I don't have a date...."

"You want me to go with you instead." I finish his sentence.

"Yes! And before you ask, I already have my girlfriends consent. Also, this would be a perfect way of introducing yourself as apart of the company and in the business society."

"Alright, I'll go with you." I say and he smiles.


It was my first day at the office and I was so excited. I got all dressed up and was at the front office, waiting for Sam.

After about a few minutes he comes down the elevator.

"Hey Saige. Sorry I took so long, the boss needed me."

"It's alright. So, where do I start?"

He begins to explain my job as we head to the elevator. "Well firstly, as you know I'm the P.A, so I take care of most of the boss's private stuff." He says and I nod.

"And you are going to be his personal secretary, so you take care of the rest. Which includes greeting the people before they go in to see Mr. Vanderbilt and make sure that Mr. Vanderbilt himself is not busy before you send the next person in. Also, some other work, but you'll know before hand, got it?" He asks and I nod.

"Alright. Now, first things first. You have to be introduced to Mr. Vanderbilt." As he knocks on the door, I straighten my dress and take a deep breath.

"Mr. Vanderbilt, your new secretary is here for her first day."

"Bring her in." And with that response, we walk in.

"Good Morning Mr. Vanderbilt, my name is Saige Morgan and it's a great honour to work here." I say as I bow. When I hear no response, I raise my head up only to see him staring at me in shock.

"Sam, leave the room for a moment." Mr. Vanderbilt says and with a stunned look on Sam's face, he quickly leaves.

"So, Miss Morgan, I don't remember seeing any guardian names on your resume?"

"Oh, well that's because I'm an orphan."

"No adoptive parents?"

"I was adopted, but that's a long story." I say looking down.

"I'm sorry to bring up sad memories."

"It's alright."

"If I wouldn't be intruding to much, do you know who your birth parents are?"

"I really can't remember. I was really young back then. The man that took care of me at the foster home said that I looked near the age of two or three maybe, but he wasn't really sure. I was just left outside and when he saw me, he took me in." After finishing my story, I realised that this is the most personal interview I've ever had in my entire life.

"Um anyways, I'm sorry if this sound a bit rude, but how come you are asking so many personal questions?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just curious. Anyways, Samuel will notify you on what you must do and he will show you to your office. Also, I am heading to a meeting with my eldest son at 3 o'clock and then we'll be headed straight out to lunch so if anyone calls just ask who it is and what they want and just give it to Samuel when we're back. Oh and could you tell Samuel to come in here for a second." He says and I bow before I leave.

Mr. Vanderbilt (POV)

As soon as she leaves, my mind is filled with so many thoughts. She looks so familiar. Am I just missing her to much. My train of thought is soon broken when Samuel walks in.

"You called me sir."

"Yes, did you invite Ms. Morgan to the gala?"

"I'm sorry I didn't get your permission first but yes. I deeply apologize sir."

"No it is perfectly fine! You did a wonderful job." I say and get a weird look from Samuel, which he covers up quickly.

Saige's (POV)

"What did you say in there?" Sam asks

"I honestly don't know anymore."

"Well, you must've said something, because I've never seen him react like that with anyone before."

"Is it a good thing or bad?" I ask

"Well, we'll find out." He says before taking me to my own office!


My first day was soon over and I was headed out to pick up Chase, when I suddenly hear a knock at my door.

"Good afternoon, I'm Sebastain Vanderbilt, the eldest son of the Vanderbilt." He says as he makes his way towards me and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Good afternoon, I'm Saige Morgan. It's a pleasure to meet you." I say shaking his hand.

"The pleasure's all mine. I just wanted to introduce myself to my father's new secretary." He says staring at me while still holding on to my hand.

"Um... You're still holding onto my hand." I say looking down at our hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He says quickly letting go.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but I have to go. I have to go pick up my son." I say and see his expression quickly change to surprise.

"Oh, well why don't I give you a ride?" He asks

"It's alright, I wouldn't wanted to take up your time."

"It is perfectly fine." He says a little to eager.

"Alright, I guess." And with that we were off. This has been such a weird day. I'm not so sure this is how an office functions normally.

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