Part 4

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Jason p.o.v.

Not a week later i'm already out of the jail, they are way to easy to get out of these days.

I gently try to climb through the window of y/n's house but fail as i fall on the floor with a loud bang.

"Shit!" I mumble soft, trying not to make another sound. I quickly get around a corner and wait for y/n, i know she heard me.

I smirk as she comes in sight with a knife in her shaking hands, knowing she doesn't have any chance against me.

As she's close enough to me i quickly grab her from behind and put a cloth over her mouth, hoping she would pass out soon.

She tries moving her knife but it only slips out of her hands making me chuckle softly. She's so cute.

She keeps wiggling in my tight grip, making me a little inpatient.

"Come on baby, breath." I mumble in her neck, holding her tighter.

After some time she finally gasps a breath of air making me sigh in satisfaction, leaving a soft kiss on her neck.

"Everything i going to be alright." I whisper as she finally blacks out, falling in my arms.

I carry her to my car and put her in the passenger seat, making sure she's comfortable and put her seatbelt on.

"Don't worry about a thing, i got you now." I whisper as i move a strand of hair out of her face before closing door, getting behind the wheel to drive to my place.

I know that the fact that i kidnapped her sucks but she needs to stay safe.

with me.

Your p.o.v.

My head pounds as i slowely open my eyes only to close them again because of the bright light that comes from a window. Why are the curtains even open? I always close them before going to bed.

I try to think as much as I can, figuring out what happened.

Something just doesn't feel quite right..

Piece by piece i begin to remember some things. The noise that came from upstairs, the cloth that was placed over my mouth..


I try to sit straight up but there is a hand on my shoulder, laying me back down on the bed which i now realize is clearly not mine.

"Maybe you should take some more rest, here is a painkiller." The person says in a sweet tone and grabs a glass of water, handing me a painkiller. He helps me to sit up a bit so i can swallow the pill.

What was i even thinking? I'm obviously kidnapped and the person here is obviously my kidnapper. Why did i even swallow that pill? For as far as i know this could have been drugs from whatever iligal kind.

It's starting to sink in that i really am kidnapped and this person really is my kidnapper. There is no other explanation for what happened.

Im starting to get more and more frightened by the second yet somehow i found the courage to speak up.

"Where am i?" My voice comes out really really weak, making me definitely not sound brave as I was planning on.

"You are safe here y/n." The person says again with a sweet voice.

Im safe here? But he kidnapped me. And how does he even know my name? Those questions make me frown a bit, mostly the last one. Do i know him?

"Who are you?" I ask coughing a bit while i try opening my eyes a bit to see his face.

And then it hit me..

Is that-

"I am Jason, Jason McCann." He says with a smirk on his face.


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