Request #13

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Request for Rose_Violet1

I was watching "Pretty Little Liars" until I heard the doorbell ring. I got up from the couch to go see who it was.

I opened the door to see my best friend,  Zoey. "Hey," I said, smiling. "Hey, guess what?" "What?" "I broke up with Logan today."

She said it like it was no big deal. "Wait, what? I thought you liked him." "I did, but he started to get annoying."

I led her inside the house and she told me what made her want to break up with him. "And you don't miss him at all?" "Nope," she said, laughing.

"Well, I gotta go. See you later, Abbey!" "Bye!" I continued watching "Pretty Little Liars" after she left. (I had to put this in here because I love the show so much 😂)

*time skip*

The next day, I decided to go to Logan's to see how he was doing. Zoey breaking up with him must've been harsh on him.

I've always kind of liked Logan, but I obviously couldn't tell Zoey that. She'd kill me.

I wore a beaded fringe shirt with baby blue shorts. I put on my sneakers and put my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and went out the door.

*time skip*

When I got there, I rang the doorbell. After a couple of seconds, the door opened. In front of me was Logan with red puffy eyes.

"Logan, are you okay?" I asked. "No, Zoey broke up with me." "I'm so sorry. Can I come in?" "Sure."

I followed Logan to the couch. He put his face in his hands. "What did I do wrong?" I gently lifted up his head.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. You're a good guy and anyone would be lucky to have you. Even though Zoey broke up with you, just know that you deserve better. Someone who will love you enough to stay with you."

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that," he said, smiling. "There's that smile! Come here." I pulled him into a tight hug.

When we pulled away, he looked into my eyes, at my lips, and into my eyes again. We both slowly started to lean in.

He kissed me passionately. I've been waiting for this moment forever. When we finally pulled away, he said, "Abbey, I get it now."

I looked at him, confused. "You get what?" "This. All the time I spent with Zoey, I should've spent with you. You're the one I should be with. You came all this way to make sure I was okay. You actually care about me. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled. "Yes!" I kissed his cheek. "But what about Zoey?" I asked. "Doesn't matter. You're all I need."

I laughed and gave him one more hug before I left.

*time skip*

When I got home, I decided to tell Zoey the big news. I called her, hoping she would approve. She answered:

A=Abbey     Z=Zoey


Z: Hello?
A: Hey, guess what?
Z: What?
A: I'm dating Logan!
Z: You're what? Why would you do that?!
A: Do what?
Z: Date him! You know I broke up with him!
A: So?
Z: So he was my boyfriend!
A: He was your boyfriend, until you let him go. Now he's mine.
Z: What's wrong with you?!
A: Why do you even care? You broke up with him! He deserves someone way better. Bye bye!

*End of Conversation*

I hung up. How could she possibly be mad at me? Logan moved on. I don't understand how he spent all that time with her. She's a terrible girlfriend.

At least she's finally away from us.

Hey guys! This one took a while. This is honestly what I'd do if I was in this situation. I hope you guys liked it.

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