One ~ Lifesaver

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"Man down! Man down! Help me, somebody!" I yell as I run toward the soldier who I've just witnessed being shot up.

Our bunker that was once protected by a tower of sandbags has now become compromised and as I kneel next to my wounded mate, I can see the anguish on his face and hear his pain in his cries. His wounds are severe, life threatening even, with several bullet holes riddling his chest all the way up to his throat and he's shaking.

I can't let him know he's dying.

"You'll be okay, mate. C'mon, let's go. I'll carry you."

"Leave me."

"No, you'll be alright," I calmly say, immediately feeling bad for lying but I just can't tell him the truth. "M'gonna get you home, alright?"

"Incoming!" someone yells and instinct kicks in and I quickly cover my head that's protected by my helmet.

In a moment that could be my last, I feel an intense heat followed by sand and pebbles pummeling on top of my body. I can hear bombs going off over the gunfire in the near distance and the faint cry of men dying.

But I'm alive.

I have to get out of here.

Uncoiling from my huddled position, I open my eyes and I can barely see through the gun smoke. The thick air is difficult to breathe in and I cough a few times as I crawl back over to my mate who needs help.

"Hey, let's go," I nudge his shoulder and he doesn't respond. Another explosion shakes the ground, in turn shaking me out of my trance and I realize he's gone. "See you on the other side, mate."

I'm quick to get on my feet and I start running in the same direction as everyone else; away from the enemy. With every harsh stomp on the cobblestone pavement, my body aches but the will to survive is stronger.

Don't look back. Keep going. You can make it.

The ground beneath my boots suddenly becomes soft, making it awfully difficult to run and I realize I've made it to Dunkirk beach. Since I've been ordered to combat the enemy at the city border with my Highlanders regiment, I haven't seen the ocean for a while and something about seeing it right now gives me hope.

"Last boat's leaving! Run!" someone yells and I pick up my pace.

It's strange because the closer I get, the farther the boat seems. It has to be that my mind is playing tricks on me but I'm not chancing anything. I begin to sprint towards the large boat that's going to bring me home and I look up at the sky.

I hear the sharp whistle.

I feel the hot air rush past me.

I feel nothing.

"Alex, wake up," a worried voice brings me out of my sleep and my body jolts in surprise. "Easy there, mate. It's just me."

It's just me. I've never known three words to be so comforting. But it isn't just anybody, it's Tommy, my closest mate throughout this war. I would also consider him my guardian angel since he saved my arse countless times.

I owe him my life.

"Oh my God," I groan and rub my hands over my face. "Where are we?"

"We're home," he says and I drop my hands to my lap in disbelief. "Well, nearly there. Word on the train is less than an hour now."

I acknowledge his words with a cordial nod and turn to look out the window. As I watch the empty fields whiz by, I have to squint my eyes because the sun is shining brightly in a cloudless sky.

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